"The continuation of this contract is contingent upon the appropriation of funds to fulfill the requirements of the contract by the applicable funding authority. If that authority fails to appropriate sufficient funds to provide for the continuation of the contract, the contract shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal year for which allocations were made";
"Agency" means any executive department, independent commission, board, bureau, office, or other establishment of the State or any county government, the judiciary, the University of Hawaii, or any quasi-public institution that is supported in whole or in part by state or county funds.
"Energy performance contract" means an agreement for the provision of energy services and equipment, including but not limited to building or facility energy conservation enhancing retrofits, water saving technology retrofits, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and alternate energy technologies, in which a private sector person or company agrees to finance, design, construct, install, maintain, operate, or manage energy systems or equipment to improve the energy efficiency of, or produce energy in connection with, a facility or electric vehicle charging system in exchange for a portion of the cost savings, lease payments, or specified revenues, and the level of payments is made contingent upon the verified energy savings, energy production, avoided maintenance, avoided energy equipment replacement, avoided vehicle maintenance or fuel costs associated with the implementation of a vehicle fleet energy efficiency program pursuant to section 36-42, or any combination of the foregoing bases. Energy conservation retrofits also include energy saved off-site by water or other utility conservation enhancing retrofits.
"Facility" means a building, buildings, infrastructure, or similar structure, including any site owned or leased by, or otherwise under the jurisdiction or control of, the agency.
"Financing agreement" shall have the same meaning as in section 37D-2.
"Guaranteed-savings plan" means an agreement under which a private sector person or company undertakes to design, install, operate, and maintain improvements to an agency's facility or facilities and the agency agrees to pay a contractually specified amount of verified energy cost savings.
"Verified" means the technique used in the determination of baseline energy use, post-installation energy use, and energy and cost savings by the following measurement and verification techniques: engineering calculations, metering and monitoring, utility meter billing analysis, computer simulations, mathematical models, and agreed-upon stipulations by the customer and the energy service company.
HRS § 36-41