- Section 396-1 - Short title
- Section 396-2 - Findings and purpose
- Section 396-3 - Definitions
- Section 396-4 - Powers and duties of department
- Section 396-4.5 - Certification of safety and health professionals
- Section 396-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 396-5.1 - Fees
- Section 396-5.5 - [Repealed]
- Section 396-6 - Employer responsibility: safe place of employment; safety devices and safeguards
- Section 396-7 - Toxic materials
- Section 396-8 - Employee responsibility and rights
- Section 396-9 - Explosives
- Section 396-10 - Violations and penalties
- Section 396-11 - Review
- Section 396-11.5 - Appeals board
- Section 396-12 - Judicial review
- Section 396-13 - Trade secrets
- Section 396-14 - Evidence
- Section 396-15 - Exception to liability
- Section 396-16 - Exception for federal jurisdiction
- Section 396-17 - [Repealed]
- Section 396-18 - Safety and health programs for contractors bidding on state construction jobs
- Section 396-19 - Hoisting machine operators advisory board
- Section 396-20 - [Repealed]