Section 291C-111.5 - State highway enforcement program; establishment; annual reports(a) There is established the state highway enforcement program within the department of transportation for administrative purposes. The purpose of the state highway enforcement program is to enable the State and counties, in consultation with the director of transportation, to: (1) Enforce violations for illegal parking under section 291C-111(c); and(2) Provide for parking management-related improvements.(b) Implementation of the state highway enforcement program shall include partnering with law enforcement, other state departments, other county agencies, and community groups to increase health and safety along state highways.(c) The director of transportation shall submit an annual report to the legislature on the status and progress of the state highway enforcement program, including an update of all moneys deposited into and expended from the state highway fund, on behalf of the state highway enforcement program no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session.