Chapter 273 - RAILWAY LAW
- Section 273-1 - Franchise
- Section 273-2 - Granting public lands, etc
- Section 273-3 - Special powers
- Section 273-4 - Compensation to be made
- Section 273-5 - Width of land taken
- Section 273-6 - Superfluous lands to be sold
- Section 273-7 - Offered to adjoining owners first
- Section 273-8 - Acceptance of offer
- Section 273-9 - Arbitration of price
- Section 273-10 - Nature of motive power allowable
- Section 273-11 - Right to provide same, subject to rights of others
- Section 273-12 - Railway to be fenced
- Section 273-13 - Bylaws, regulations
- Section 273-14 - Penalty for violating
- Section 273-15 - Bonds
- Section 273-16 - Aid to public railroads only