(c) No contract or agreement providing for the furnishing of management, supervisory, construction, engineering, accounting, legal, financial, or similar services, and no contract or agreement for the purchase, sale, lease, furnishing, or exchange of any real or personal property rights, including but not limited to real estate, improvements on land, equipment, leasehold interests, easements, rights-of-way, franchises, licenses, permits, trademarks, and copyrights, made or entered into after July 1, 1988, between a public utility and any affiliated interest shall be valid or effective unless and until the contract or agreement has been received by the commission. It shall be the duty of every public utility to file with the commission a verified paper or electronic copy of any contract or agreement with an affiliate having a face value of at least $300,000, or a verified summary of any unwritten contract or agreement having a face value of at least $300,000 within forty-five days of the effective date of the contract or agreement. Each and every contract or agreement between a public utility and an affiliate for capital expenditures, other than for real property or an interest therein, shall be accompanied with price quotations provided by at least two nonaffiliated suppliers, providers, or purveyors, or if the price quotations cannot be obtained without substantial expense to the utility, the public utility shall verify that fact by affidavit; provided that all contracts or agreements effective at the time of a general rate proceeding, which were discoverable and subject to review by the commission, shall be valid and not subject to subsequent regulatory review and action by the commission; provided further that notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, there shall be no transfer of real property, or interest in real property, between a public utility and an affiliate without prior approval of the commission, after hearing, wherein the public utility must show that the transfer is in the best interest of the public utility and all of its customers. No affirmative action is required by the commission with regard to the filing of the contract or agreement; provided that if the commission, in its discretion, determines that the terms and conditions of the contract or agreement to be unreasonable or otherwise contrary to the public interest, the commission shall notify the public utility of its determination, whereupon the public utility shall have the option to alter, revise, amend, or terminate the contract or agreement, or assume the risk that future payments for performance of the contract or agreement will be deemed unreasonable and excluded by the commission for ratemaking purposes.