The legislature finds that:
The State of Hawaii, with its near total dependence on imported fossil fuel, is particularly vulnerable to dislocations in the global energy market. This situation can be changed, as there are few places in the world so generously endowed with natural energy: geothermal, solar radiation, ocean temperature differential, wind, biomass, waves, and currents, which are all potential non-polluting power sources;
Such planning efforts will identify present conditions and major problems relating to energy resources, their exploration, development, production, and distribution. It will show the projected nature of the situation and rate of change, present conditions for the foreseeable future based on a projection of current trends in the development of energy resources in Hawaii, and include initiatives designed to fundamentally change how Hawaii consumes energy by accelerating the production of renewable and alternative energy, increasing energy efficiency, developing and adopting new technologies, and ensuring the State's energy security;
HRS § 196-1