- Section 20-50 - Owner to secure registration and certificate of title; temporary registration markers
- Section 20-50.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-50.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-50.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-50.4 - Division to refuse to register vehicles on which county and municipal taxes and fees are not paid and when there is a failure to meet court-ordered child support obligations
- Section 20-51 - Exempt from registration
- Section 20-52 - Application for registration and certificate of title
- Section 20-52.1 - Manufacturer's certificate of transfer of new motor vehicle
- Section 20-52.2 - Unregisterable certificate of title
- Section 20-53 - Application for specially constructed, reconstructed, or foreign vehicle
- Section 20-53.1 - Specially constructed vehicle certificate of title and registration
- Section 20-53.2 - Reserved
- Section 20-53.3 - Appeal of specially constructed vehicle classification determination to Vehicle Classification Review Committee
- Section 20-53.4 - Registration of mopeds; certificate of title
- Section 20-53.5 - Titling and registration of HMMWV
- Section 20-53.6 - Titling of all-terrain vehicles and utility vehicles
- Section 20-54 - Authority for refusing registration or certificate of title
- Section 20-54.1 - Forfeiture of right of registration
- Section 20-55 - Examination of registration records and index of seized, stolen, and recovered vehicles
- Section 20-56 - Registration indexes
- Section 20-57 - Division to issue certificate of title and registration card
- Section 20-58 - Perfection by indication of security interest on certificate of title
- Section 20-58.1 - Duty of the Division upon receipt of application for notation of security interest
- Section 20-58.2 - Date of perfection
- Section 20-58.3 - Notation of assignment of security interest on certificate of title
- Section 20-58.3A - Automatic expiration of security interest in manufactured home; renewal of security interests in manufactured homes
- Section 20-58.4 - Release of security interest
- Section 20-58.4A - Electronic lien system
- Section 20-58.5 - Duration of security interest in favor of corporations which dissolve or become inactive
- Section 20-58.6 - Duty of secured party to disclose information
- Section 20-58.7 - Cancellation of certificate
- Section 20-58.8 - Applicability of sections 20-58 to 20-58.8; use of term "lien"
- Section 20-58.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-58.10 - Effective date of sections 20-58 to 20-58.9
- Section 20-59 - Unlawful for lienor who holds certificate of title not to surrender same when lien satisfied
- Section 20-60 - Owner after transfer not liable for negligent operation
- Section 20-61 - Owner dismantling or wrecking vehicle to return evidence of registration
- Section 20-62 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-62.1 - Purchase of vehicles for purposes of scrap or parts only
- Section 20-63 - Registration plates furnished by Division; requirements; replacement of regular plates with First in Flight plates or First in Freedom plates; surrender and reissuance; displaying; preservation and cleaning; alteration or concealment of numbers; commission contracts for issuance
- Section 20-63.01 - Bonds required for commission contractors
- Section 20-63.02 - Advisory committee of commission contractors
- Section 20-63.1 - Division shall cause plates to be reflectorized
- Section 20-64 - Transfer of registration plates to another vehicle
- Section 20-64.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-64.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-65 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-66 - Renewal of vehicle registration
- Section 20-66.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 20-67 - Notice of change of address or name
- Section 20-68 - Replacement of lost or damaged certificates, cards and plates
- Section 20-69 - Division authorized to assign new engine number
- Section 20-70 - Division to be notified when another engine is installed or body changed
- Section 20-71 - Altering or forging certificate of title, registration card or application, a felony; reproducing or possessing blank certificate of title
- Section 20-71.1 - Registration evidence of ownership; ownership evidence of defendant's responsibility for conduct of operation