Section 18C-909 - Use of proceeds(a) The Commission shall use the funds remitted to it pursuant to G.S. 105-113.128 and any proceeds from license fees collected under this Article and Article 10 of this Chapter to cover expenses in administering this Article. Any proceeds remaining at the end of each fiscal year after payment of expenses of the Commission pursuant to this section shall be remitted to the General Fund, however, the Commission may retain an amount reasonably necessary to cover future expenses of the Commission related to administering the provisions of this Article and Article 10 of this Chapter, the total of which, including the amount authorized to be retained under G.S. 18C-1010(c), may not exceed the total expenses of the Commission related to administering the provisions of this Article and Article 10 of this Chapter during the previous quarter of the fiscal year.(b) Expenses of the Commission shall include all items listed in G.S. 18C-163.N.C. Gen. Stat. § 18C-909
Added by 2023 N.C. Sess. Laws 42, s. 1, eff. 1/8/2024.