- Section 130A-333 - Purpose
- Section 130A-334 - Definitions
- Section 130A-335 - Wastewater collection, treatment and disposal; rules
- Section 130A-335.1 - Effluent filters and access devices for certain septic tank systems
- Section 130A-336 - Improvement permit and construction authorization required
- Section 130A-336.1 - Alternative process for wastewater system approvals
- Section 130A-336.2 - Alternative wastewater system approvals for nonengineered systems
- Section 130A-337 - Inspection; operation permit required
- Section 130A-338 - Construction authorization required before other permits to be issued
- Section 130A-339 - Limitation on electrical service
- Section 130A-340 - Review procedures and appeals
- Section 130A-341 - Consideration of a site with existing fill
- Section 130A-342 - Residential wastewater treatment systems
- Section 130A-343 - Approval of on-site subsurface wastewater systems
- Section 130A-343.1 - Transfer of ownership of provisionally approved septic tanks and innovative septic tank systems to joint agency in certain counties; inspection fees in those counties
- Section 130A-344 - [Repealed]
- Section 130A-345 - Disposal of liquid condensate from residential heating and cooling systems