- Section 116-31 - Membership of the boards of trustees
- Section 116-31.5 - North Carolina State University Board of Trustees
- Section 116-31.7 - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Board of Trustees
- Section 116-31.10 - Powers of Board regarding certain purchasing contracts
- Section 116-31.11 - Powers of Board regarding certain fee negotiations, contracts, and capital improvements
- Section 116-31.12 - Acquisition and disposition of real property by lease
- Section 116-32 - Officers and meetings of the boards of trustees
- Section 116-33 - Powers and duties of the boards of trustees
- Section 116-33.1 - Board of trustees to permit recruiter access
- Section 116-33.2 - Cooperative Extension Service employees
- Section 116-34 - Duties of chancellor of institution
- Section 116-35 - Electric power plants, campus school, etc
- Section 116-36 - Endowment fund
- Section 116-36.1 - Regulation of institutional trust funds
- Section 116-36.2 - Regulation of special funds of individual institutions
- Section 116-36.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-36.4 - Vending facilities
- Section 116-36.5 - Centennial Campus trust fund; Horace Williams Campus trust fund; Millennial Campuses' trust funds
- Section 116-36.6 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-37 - University of North Carolina Health Care System
- Section 116-37.1 - Center for public media
- Section 116-37.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-37.3 - Personnel of Dental School Clinical Operations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Section 116-38 - Child development research and demonstration center
- Section 116-39 - Agricultural research stations
- Section 116-39.1 through 116-39.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-40 - Board to accept gifts and congressional donations
- Section 116-40.1 - Land scrip fund
- Section 116-40.2 - Authorization to purchase insurance in connection with construction and operation of nuclear reactors
- Section 116-40.3 - Participation in sixth-year program of graduate instruction for superintendents, assistant superintendents, and principals of public schools
- Section 116-40.4 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-40.5 - Campus law enforcement agencies
- Section 116-40.6 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-40.7 - Internal auditors
- Section 116-40.8 - University of North Carolina at Pembroke designated as North Carolina's Historically American Indian University
- Section 116-40.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-40.10 - [Repealed]
- Section 116-40.11 - Disciplinary proceedings; right to counsel for students and organizations
- Section 116-40.12 - Student organizations; rights and recognition
- Section 116-40.13 - Authorization to secure liability insurance for alcohol sales
- Section 116-40.14 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.15 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.16 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.17 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.18 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.19 - Reserved
- Section 116-40.20 - Legislative findings
- Section 116-40.21 - Board of governors may authorize management flexibility
- Section 116-40.22 - Management flexibility
- Section 116-40.23 - Reporting requirement; effective date of reported policies, procedures, and rules
- Section 116-41 - [Repealed]