N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-446
Each school finance officer shall report to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission on January 1 and July 1 of each year, or such other dates as the Secretary may prescribe, the amounts of money then in his custody and in the custody of treasurers of individual schools within the local school administrative unit, the amount of deposits of such money in depositories, a list of all investment securities and time deposits held by the local school administrative unit and individual schools therein. In like manner, each bank or trust company acting as the official depository of any administrative unit or individual school may be required to report to the Secretary a description of the surety bonds or investment securities securing such public deposits. If the Secretary finds at any time that any moneys of a local school administrative unit or an individual school are not properly deposited or secured, or are invested in securities not eligible for investment, he shall notify the officer in charge of the moneys of the failure to comply with law. Upon such notification, the officer shall comply with the law within 30 days, except as to the sale of securities not eligible for investment which shall be sold within nine months at a price to be approved by the Secretary. The Local Government Commission may extend the time for sale of ineligible securities, but no one extension may cover a period of more than one year.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-446