Conn. Gen. Stat. § 42a-3-103
"Acceptance". Section 42a-3-409.
"Accommodated party". Section 42a-3-419.
"Accommodation party". Section 42a-3-419.
"Alteration". Section 42a-3-407.
"Anomalous endorsement". Section 42a-3-205.
"Blank endorsement". Section 42a-3-205.
"Cashier's check". Section 42a-3-104.
"Certificate of deposit". Section 42a-3-104.
"Certified check". Section 42a-3-409.
"Check". Section 42a-3-104.
"Consideration". Section 42a-3-303.
"Draft". Section 42a-3-104.
"Endorsement". Section 42a-3-204.
"Endorser". Section 42a-3-204.
"Holder in due course". Section 42a-3-302.
"Incomplete instrument". Section 42a-3-115.
"Instrument". Section 42a-3-104.
"Issue". Section 42a-3-105.
"Issuer". Section 42a-3-105.
"Negotiable instrument". Section 42a-3-104.
"Negotiation". Section 42a-3-201.
"Note". Section 42a-3-104.
"Payable at a definite time". Section 42a-3-108.
"Payable on demand". Section 42a-3-108.
"Payable to bearer". Section 42a-3-109.
"Payable to order". Section 42a-3-109.
"Payment". Section 42a-3-602.
"Person entitled to enforce". Section 42a-3-301.
"Presentment". Section 42a-3-501.
"Reacquisition". Section 42a-3-207.
"Special endorsement". Section 42a-3-205.
"Teller's check". Section 42a-3-104.
"Transfer of instrument". Section 42a-3-203.
"Traveler's check". Section 42a-3-104.
"Value". Section 42a-3-303.
"Bank". Section 42a-4-105.
"Banking day". Section 42a-4-104.
"Clearing house". Section 42a-4-104.
"Collecting bank". Section 42a-4-105.
"Depositary bank". Section 42a-4-105.
"Documentary draft". Section 42a-4-104.
"Intermediary bank". Section 42a-4-105.
"Item". Section 42a-4-104.
"Payor bank". Section 42a-4-105.
"Suspends payments". Section 42a-4-104.
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 42a-3-103
(1959, P.A. 133, S. 3-103; P.A. 91-304, S. 3; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-11, S. 15, 70; P.A. 05-109, S. 29.)
Cited. 230 Conn. 486.
See Sec. 42a-3-102 for successor provisions to Sec. 42a-3-103, revised to 1991, re scope of article.