- Section 36a-715 - (Formerly Sec. 36-442m). Definitions
- Section 36a-716 - (Formerly Sec. 36-442n). Escrow accounts
- Section 36a-717 - (Formerly Sec. 36-442o). Penalties
- Section 36a-718 - (Formerly Sec. 36-442p). Licenses required. Exemptions
- Section 36a-719 - Mortgage servicer license. Issuance. Application. Criminal history records checks. Renewal standards. Automatic suspension of license. Abandonment of application. Schedule and report. Unique identifier of license. Advertising of license
- Section 36a-719a - License not assignable or transferable. Change in any control persons. Surrender of license. Change of name or address. Required filings on system or notification of commissioner. Automatic suspension of license
- Section 36a-719b - Expiration of license. Application for renewal. Fees
- Section 36a-719c - Surety bond, fidelity bond and errors and omissions coverage. Cancellation. Automatic suspension of license. Notices
- Section 36a-719d - Records to be maintained by licensee
- Section 36a-719e - Disclosure of notice and schedule of ranges and categories of costs and fees
- Section 36a-719f - Compliance with federal laws and regulations
- Section 36a-719g - Fee schedule. Imposition of late fee or delinquency charge
- Section 36a-719h - Prohibited acts. Duty to establish, enforce and maintain policies and procedures for compliance
- Section 36a-719i - [Repealed]
- Section 36a-719j - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license or taking of other action. Removal from office and from employment or retention. Temporary order to cease business
- Section 36a-719k - Regulations
- Section 36a-719l - Exemptions
- Section 36a-720 - Directives for covered institutions
- Section 36a-721 to 36a-724 - Reserved for future use