- Section 36a-655 - (Formerly Sec. 36-364). Definitions
- Section 36a-656 - (Formerly Sec. 36-365). License requirements and fees. Required system filings. Authority of commissioner to conduct criminal history records checks and deny application for license. Renewal of license. Automatic suspension of license
- Section 36a-657 - (Formerly Sec. 36-369). Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license or taking of other action. Enforcement powers of commissioner. Removal from office and from employment or retention. Temporary order to cease business
- Section 36a-658 - (Formerly Sec. 36-370). License required. Change in control persons, name or place of business. Use of name. Automatic suspension of license. Surrender of license. Required system filing or notice to commissioner. Unique identifier of license. Advertising of license
- Section 36a-659 - (Formerly Sec. 36-372). Separate bank account for benefit of debtors. Books and records
- Section 36a-660 - (Formerly Sec. 36-375). Licensee's duties. Written agreement required
- Section 36a-661 - (Formerly Sec. 36-376). Prohibited acts
- Section 36a-661a - Written agreement voidable. Licensee claims for restitution
- Section 36a-662 - (Formerly Sec. 36-377). Regulations
- Section 36a-663 - (Formerly Sec. 36-378). Exceptions
- Section 36a-664 - (Formerly Sec. 36-380). Surety bond required. Form of surety bond. Cancellation of bond. Notice. Automatic suspension of license. Notice. Opportunity for hearing
- Section 36a-665 - (Formerly Sec. 36-381). Penalties
- Section 36a-666 to 36a-670 - Reserved for future use
- Section 36a-671 - Definitions. Debt negotiation. License application, requirements and fees. Authority of commissioner to conduct criminal history records checks and deny application for license. Abandonment of application. License renewal. Automatic suspension of license or renewal license. Notice. Opportunity for hearing. License not assignable or transferable. Use of name. Surrender of license. Required system filing or notice to commissioner. Unique identifier. Advertisements of licensee
- Section 36a-671a - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license or taking other action. Enforcement powers of commissioner. Removal from office and from employment or retention. Temporary order to cease business
- Section 36a-671b - Debt negotiation service contract required. Fees, commissions and other valuable consideration. Noncompliant contracts voidable by consumer
- Section 36a-671c - Exceptions
- Section 36a-671d - Surety bond required. Form of surety bond. Cancellation of bond. Automatic suspension of license. Notice. Opportunity for hearing. Determination of penal sum. Aggregate amount of residential loans
- Section 36a-671e - Requirements re mortgage loan originator license
- Section 36a-671f - Prohibited practices
- Section 36a-672 to 36a-674 - Reserved for future use