Section 17a-215j - Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Council. Establishment. Membership. Duties(a) There shall be an Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Council which shall consist of the following members: (1) The Commissioner of Social Services, or the commissioner's designee;(2) the Commissioner of Children and Families, or the commissioner's designee;(3) the Commissioner of Education, or the commissioner's designee;(4) the Commissioner of Mental Health and Addiction Services, or the commissioner's designee;(5) the Commissioner of Public Health, or the commissioner's designee;(6) the Commissioner of Aging and Disability Services, or the commissioner's designee;(7) the Commissioner of Developmental Services, or the commissioner's designee;(8) the Commissioner of Early Childhood, or the commissioner's designee;(9) the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, or the secretary's designee;(10) two persons with autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the speaker of the House of Representatives;(11) two persons who are parents or guardians of a child with autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the minority leader of the Senate;(12) two persons who are parents or guardians of an adult with autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate and the majority leader of the House of Representatives;(13) two persons who are advocates for persons with autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the speaker of the House of Representatives; (14) two persons who are licensed professionals working in the field of autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the majority leader of the Senate;(15) two persons who provide services for persons with autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the minority leader of the House of Representatives;(16) two persons who shall be representatives of an institution of higher education in the state with experience in the field of autism spectrum disorder, one each appointed by the Governor and the president pro tempore of the Senate;(17) the executive director of the nonprofit entity designated by the Governor in accordance with section 46a-10b to serve as the Connecticut protection and advocacy system for persons with disabilities, or the executive director's designee; and(18) one person who is a physician who treats or diagnoses persons with autism spectrum disorder, appointed by the Governor.(b) The council shall have three chairpersons who shall be elected by the members of the council, provided not less than two of the persons elected as chairpersons by the members of the council shall be: (1) A person with autism spectrum disorder appointed pursuant to subdivision (10) of subsection (a) of this section,(2) a parent or guardian of a child with autism spectrum disorder appointed pursuant to subdivision (11) of subsection (a) of this section, or(3) a parent or guardian of an adult with autism spectrum disorder appointed pursuant to subdivision (12) of subsection (a) of this section.(c) The council shall be within the Office of Policy and Management for administrative purposes only.(d) The council shall make rules for the conduct of its affairs. The council shall meet not less than four times per year and at such other times as requested by the chairpersons. Council members shall serve without compensation.(e) The council shall advise the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management concerning policies and programs for persons with autism spectrum disorder and recommendations to improve coordination and address gaps in autism services.Conn. Gen. Stat. § 17a-215j
Added by P.A. 23-0204, S. 262 of the Connecticut Acts of the 2023 Regular Session, eff. 7/1/2023.