- Section 10-67 - Definitions
- Section 10-68 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-69 - Adult education
- Section 10-69a - Adult education programs in New Haven and Bridgeport authorized to provide additional instructional services
- Section 10-70 - Rooms and personnel
- Section 10-71 - State grants for adult education programs
- Section 10-71a - State grants for adult education programs. Eligibility requirements
- Section 10-72 and 10-73 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-73a - Adult education fees and charges; waivers. Adult education school activity fund
- Section 10-73b - Grants for adult education services or programs conforming to state plan
- Section 10-73c - State Board of Education administrative expenses for adult education
- Section 10-73d - Request of certain students to attend adult education classes. Assignment
- Section 10-74 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-74a - Summer courses. Charges
- Section 10-74b - [Repealed]
- Section 10-74c - Grants for young parents programs
- Section 10-74d - Grants for interdistrict cooperative programs
- Section 10-74e - [Repealed]
- Section 10-74f - School reorganization model
- Section 10-74g - CommPACT schools
- Section 10-74h - Innovation schools. Innovation plan. Evaluation. Enrollment
- Section 10-74i - Community schools
- Section 10-74j - Alternative education
- Section 10-74k - Alternative education guidelines. Identification and organization codes
- Section 10-74l - Annual report re receipt of federal funds under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Section 10-74m - Memoranda of understanding with other state agencies re provision of special education services. Liaisons from other state agencies to State-Wide Transition Services Coordinator
- Section 10-74n - Transition resources, services and programs. Online listing. Collection of information and annual update. Online posting and distribution
- Section 10-74o - State-wide Transition Services Coordinator, duties
- Section 10-74p - Training program re special education and transition services
- Section 10-74q - Training programs for transition coordinators, educators and school paraprofessionals
- Section 10-74r - Deadline to complete training for transition coordinators, educators and school paraprofessionals
- Section 10-74s - Decision-making options once child reaches eighteen years of age
- Section 10-74t - Reporting on aggregate number of students who received information re transition services and programs for adults with disabilities
- Section 10-74u - Annual audits of special education programs
- Section 10-74v - Informational handout for students with individual education program or Section 504 plan re rights in the classroom
- Section 10-75 to 10-75k and 10-76 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76a - Definitions
- Section 10-76b - State supervision of special education programs and services. Regulations. Coordinating agency
- Section 10-76c - Receipt and use of money and personal property
- Section 10-76d - Duties and powers of boards of education to provide special education programs and services. Medicaid enrollment, participation and billing requirements. Development of individualized education program. Planning and placement team meetings. Public agency placements; apportionment of costs. Relationship of insurance to special education costs. Prohibition on punishing members of planning and placement teams and birth-to-three service coordinators and qualified personnel for certain conduct
- Section 10-76e - School construction grant for cooperative regional special education facilities
- Section 10-76f - Definition of terms used in formula for state aid for special education
- Section 10-76g - State aid for special education
- Section 10-76h - Special education hearing and review procedure. Mediation of disputes
- Section 10-76i - Advisory Council for Special Education
- Section 10-76j - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76k - (Formerly Sec. 10-76i). Development of experimental educational programs
- Section 10-76l - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76m - Auditing of claims for special education assistance
- Section 10-76n - Special Education Resource Center
- Section 10-76o - Special education at the Gilbert School, Norwich Free Academy and Woodstock Academy
- Section 10-76p - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76q - Special education at technical education and career schools
- Section 10-76r - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76s - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76t - Definitions re primary mental health program
- Section 10-76u - School-based primary mental health programs established. Grants to boards of education
- Section 10-76v - Program components. Duties of mental health professionals. Parental consent required
- Section 10-76w - Duties of department re primary mental health program
- Section 10-76x - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76y - Assistive devices
- Section 10-76z - Mediation Services Coordinator, duties. List of special education mediators. Required training. Exemptions
- Section 10-76aa - Requests for mediation
- Section 10-76bb and 10-76cc - [Repealed]
- Section 10-76dd - Special education supervisory personnel
- Section 10-76ee - Administrative representative required for planning and placement team meetings
- Section 10-76ff - Procedures for determining if a child requires special education
- Section 10-76gg - Information on race, ethnicity and disability category of children requiring special education
- Section 10-76hh - Prohibition on deduction of Medicaid reimbursement in determination of grant payments
- Section 10-76ii - Provision of applied behavior analysis services
- Section 10-76jj - Language and communication plans for children identified as deaf or hard of hearing
- Section 10-76kk - Disproportionate or inappropriate identification of minority students or multilingual learners requiring special education. Report. Study
- Section 10-76ll - Bill of rights for parents of children receiving special education services
- Section 10-76mm - Development of individualized education program form
- Section 10-76nn - Individualized Education Program Advisory Council
- Section 10-76oo - Digital individualized education program form software. Request for proposals and evaluation. Implementation; exception
- Section 10-76pp - Use of digital individualized education program form software by school districts
- Section 10-76qq - "Emotional disability" to be used in lieu of "emotional disturbance"
- Section 10-76rr - Department to make available summaries of complaints filed and corrective actions required re provision of special education
- Section 10-76ss to 10-76vv - Reserved for future use
- Section 10-76ww - School-based diversion plan to reduce juvenile justice involvement among children with mental health needs
- Section 10-76xx - Notification of student identified as gifted and talented. Adoption of policy re equitable identification of gifted and talented students
- Section 10-77 to 10-91 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-91a to 10-91e - [Repealed]
- Section 10-91f - Costs of education of child placed in community residence or child-care facility
- Section 10-91g - Audits of private providers of special education services
- Section 10-91h - Boards of education to provide information for purpose of audits of private providers of special education services. Audits of boards of education
- Section 10-91i - Private providers of special education services to submit to audits
- Section 10-91j - Agreements and contracts between boards of education and private providers of special education services
- Section 10-91k - Standards and process for the documentation of provision of special education services by private providers of special education services
- Section 10-91l - Submission of operating budgets of private providers of special education services
- Section 10-91m - Private providers of special education services to notify boards of education of all complaints, resolutions or outcomes, corrective actions and programming or service changes for students resulting from such complaints
- Section 10-92 - [Repealed]
- Section 10-92a - Use of supplemental resources for children not eligible for special education
- Section 10-92b - Department to provide complete and accurate information re special education programs and services
- Section 10-93 to 10-94d - [Repealed]
- Section 10-94e - Exemption of career education program students from certain labor laws while working therein