R.I. Gen. Laws § 46-15.1-19.1
The Rhode Island water resources board, established pursuant to this chapter and chapter 15 of this title, shall be the only designated agency which will administer those lands acquired for the Big River Reservoir as established under section 23 of chapter 133 of the Public Laws of 1964. The director of the department of environmental management and the director's authorized agents, employees, and designees shall, together with the water resources board in accordance with the Big River management area land use plan for the lands, protect the natural resources of the Big River Reservoir lands. The lands of the Big River Reservoir are subject to enforcement authority of the department of environmental management, as provided for in chapter 17.1 of title 42, and as provided for in title 20 of the General Laws.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 46-15.1-19.1