R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-9-35
Current through 2024 Public Law 457
No tax title shall be held to be invalid by reason of any error or irregularity which is neither substantial nor misleading, whether the error or irregularity occurs in the proceedings of the collector or the assessors or in the proceedings of any other official or officials charged with duties in connection with the establishment of the tax title, or in the proceedings to foreclose the rights of redemption as set forth in §§ 44-9-25 - 44-9-33. Failure of notice under §§ 44-9-9, 44-9-10 and 44-9-11 may only be raised by a party who was not sent notice and, if failure of notice is proved, the collector's sale shall be invalid only as to that party and no other.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-9-35