(e) The housing resources commission, in conjunction with the department of health, is hereby authorized to develop, offer, engage in, contract for and/or provide any other educational or informational programs that they may deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to: programs to assist families to find housing that is lead free, lead safe or lead hazard mitigated or abated; to train lead hazard mitigation inspectors and local building officials and persons engaged in renovating and/or improving housing about controlling or mitigating lead hazards in pre-1978 housing. Said programs shall provide information about lead hazard mitigation requirements at retail hardware and paint stores and home-improvement centers, including, as a minimum, signs of sufficient size with large enough lettering to be easily seen and read, which contains the following language: WARNING
Use of abrasive material (sandpaper, steel wool, drill disks and pads, etc.) in your home to remove paint may increase the risk of childhood lead poisoning. For more information please contact the Rhode Island housing resources commission or department of health.