R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-17-7
The officers and men and women of the fire department, of any fire engine or hose company, or of any protective department or company duly chartered and organized under the laws of this state for the protection of property from fire in any city or town, with their registered fire apparatus, shall have the right of way while going to a fire or upon any alarm of fire, while responding to an emergency call; when on duty at any fire, in, upon, or through any street, highway, lane, avenue, or alley in the city or town; and when exiting or entering a fire station, garage or other department facility. Every person in or upon or owning any vehicle, or upon the street, highway, lane, avenue, or alley, who shall willfully or maliciously refuse the right of way to, or shall in any way willfully or maliciously obstruct or retard any registered fire apparatus of the fire department, fire company, protective department, or company, or any of the officers or men and women, while going to a fire or upon any alarm of fire, while responding to an emergency call, or while on duty at any fire, in, upon, or through the street, highway, lane, avenue, or alley, or when exiting or entering a fire station, garage or other department facility shall be fined not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200). However, the rights pursuant to this section of the protective department or company shall be subject, at all times, to the rights pursuant to this section of the fire department, fire engine company, and hose company.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 31-17-7