R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-10-14
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, or any other provision of law, if the director finds, or has cause to believe, that an aquaculture activity is causing, or is likely to cause, an immediate danger to marine life or the environment of the coastal waters of the state, the director shall notify the CRMC. The CRMC shall immediately order all permittees affected by that notice to show cause why their aquaculture activities should not be terminated, and any aquaculture species or paraphernalia removed from the waters of the state. The CRMC shall proceed to hold a public hearing and issue its order with respect to the hearing, within a reasonable period. In its order following the hearing, the CRMC may direct the temporary or permanent suspension of aquaculture activities in the affected area, removal of equipment or animals, or any other measures as shall be deemed necessary for the protection of the marine life and environment of the waters of the state, including the forfeiture to, and destruction by, the state of any plant or animal species.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 20-10-14