Chapter 16-8 - FEDERAL AID [See Title 16 Chapter 97 - The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
- Section 16-8-1 - State board for vocational education
- Section 16-8-2 - Acceptance and administration of the Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act for vocational education
- Section 16-8-3 - Acceptance and administration of the Vocational Education Act of 1946
- Section 16-8-4 - 16-8-6 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-8-7 - School lunch programs - Definitions
- Section 16-8-8 - Acceptance and use of federal school lunch funds
- Section 16-8-9 - Administration of program
- Section 16-8-10 - Mandatory school lunch programs
- Section 16-8-10.1 - Mandatory school breakfast programs
- Section 16-8-10.2 - Mandatory contract terms
- Section 16-8-11 - Program accounts - Reports - Audits - Inspections
- Section 16-8-12 - Studies and appraisals of lunch programs
- Section 16-8-13 - Annual school lunch appropriations
- Section 16-8-14 - Federal aid funds - Custody - Disbursement
- Section 16-8-15 - Education Jobs Fund