Chapter 16-7 - FOUNDATION LEVEL SCHOOL SUPPORT [See Title 16 Chapter 97 - The Rhode Island Board Of Education Act]
- Section 16-7-1 - 16-7-14 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-15 - Statement of purpose
- Section 16-7-16 - Definitions
- Section 16-7-17 - Time of payment of state's share of the basic program and approved expenditures
- Section 16-7-18 - Determination of mandated minimum program level
- Section 16-7-19 - Computation of standard local tax rate
- Section 16-7-19.1 - Optional incentive plan
- Section 16-7-20 - Determination of state's share
- Section 16-7-20.1 - Annual report of number of children with disabilities receiving support
- Section 16-7-20.2 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-20.3 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-20.4 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-20.5 - Computation of regionalization bonus
- Section 16-7-20.6, 16-7-20.7 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-21 - Determination and adjustment of equalized weighted assessed valuation
- Section 16-7-22 - Determination of average daily membership
- Section 16-7-23 - Community requirements - adequate minimum budget provision
- Section 16-7-23.1 - Special maintenance of effort rules for high local contribution and high per pupil expenditure communities
- Section 16-7-23.2 - School deficit reduction - Maintenance of effort provision
- Section 16-7-24 - Minimum appropriation by a community for approved school expenses
- Section 16-7-25 - Minimum program required
- Section 16-7-26 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-27 - School tax rate to be identified
- Section 16-7-28 - Separate revenue and expenditure records kept by school communities
- Section 16-7-29 - Minimum salary schedule
- Section 16-7-30 - School attendance when high school not maintained by community
- Section 16-7-31 - Failure of community to furnish funds - Withholding of state funds
- Section 16-7-32 - Annual review of expenditures
- Section 16-7-33 - Evaluation of operations - Recommendations
- Section 16-7-34 - Appropriation of funds
- Section 16-7-34.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-34.2 - Appropriation of funds for education of children with disabilities
- Section 16-7-34.3 - Reimbursement by the state for conventional public housing students
- Section 16-7-35 - Foundation program for school housing - Declaration of policy
- Section 16-7-36 - Definitions
- Section 16-7-37 - Reports from communities
- Section 16-7-38 - Time for payments to communities
- Section 16-7-39 - Computation of school housing-aid ratio
- Section 16-7-40 - Increased school housing ratio
- Section 16-7-41 - Computation of school housing aid
- Section 16-7-41.1 - Eligibility for reimbursement
- Section 16-7-42 - Other aid for school housing projects - Effect
- Section 16-7-43 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-44 - School housing project costs
- Section 16-7-44.1 - Program restrictions
- Section 16-7-44.2 - Repayment of school housing aid
- Section 16-7-45 - Annual appropriations
- Section 16-7-46 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-7-47 - Addition to existing aid
- Section 16-7-48 , 16-7-49 - [Repealed]