Chapter 16-40 - PRIVATE SCHOOLS [See Title 16 Chapter 97 - The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
- Section 16-40-1 - Approval of secondary and higher schools by board - certification to secretary of state
- Section 16-40-2 - Authority to grant degrees not presumed
- Section 16-40-3 - Reference of charter amendments to boards
- Section 16-40-4 - Degrees without specific authority prohibited
- Section 16-40-5 - Revocation of approvals
- Section 16-40-6 - Degrees conferred after revocation of approval
- Section 16-40-7 - Register of approved schools and revocations
- Section 16-40-8 - Penalty for violations
- Section 16-40-9 - Prosecution of violations - Forfeiture of charter
- Section 16-40-9.1 - Injunctive relief
- Section 16-40-10 - Schools exempt
- Section 16-40-10.1 - [Repealed]
- Section 16-40-10.2 - Mater Ecclesiae
- Section 16-40-11 - Registration and reports of private schools
- Section 16-40-12 - Schools instructing persons above compulsory school age
- Section 16-40-13 - Promise of employment - Penalty for violations
- Section 16-40-14 - Schools unaffected
- Section 16-40-15 - Registers and blanks
- Section 16-40-16 - Student records and school closings - Notice of closing