Chapter 16-39 - CONTROVERSIES IN SCHOOL MATTERS [See Title 16 Chapter 97 - The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
- Section 16-39-1 - Appeal of matters of dispute to commissioner
- Section 16-39-2 - Appeal of school committee actions to commissioner
- Section 16-39-3 - Appeal to state board of regents
- Section 16-39-3.1 - Enforcement of final decisions
- Section 16-39-3.2 - Interim protective orders
- Section 16-39-4 - Judicial review
- Section 16-39-5 - Legal remedies preserved
- Section 16-39-6 - Rules for appeals
- Section 16-39-7 - Costs in matters appealable under chapter
- Section 16-39-8 - Subpoena power of the department of elementary and secondary education