Chapter 16-38 - OFFENSES PERTAINING TO SCHOOLS [See Title 16 Chapter 97 - The Rhode Island Board of Education Act]
- Section 16-38-1 - Discrimination because of race or age
- Section 16-38-1.1 - Discrimination because of sex
- Section 16-38-2 - Immunization
- Section 16-38-3 - Maintenance of nuisances in proximity to schools
- Section 16-38-4 - Exclusive clubs
- Section 16-38-5 - Questionnaires invading privacy
- Section 16-38-5.1 - Assignment of identification numbers to students
- Section 16-38-6 - Restrictions on commercial activity and fundraising in public schools
- Section 16-38-7 - Interest of school official in sale of textbook
- Section 16-38-8 - Offer to pay school official for sale of equipment
- Section 16-38-9 - Liability of school officers for misconduct
- Section 16-38-10 - Power of officials to visit schools
- Section 16-38-11 - Termination of school exemption from taxation for noncompliance
- Section 16-38-12 - Penalty for violations
- Section 16-38-13 - Remission of fines and forfeitures
- Section 16-38-14 - Use of school district listservs