R.I. Gen. Laws § 15-4-16
Whenever a husband has abandoned his wife and been absent from the state for the period of one year or more, or whenever the husband is condemned to imprisonment for one year or more, the wife may petition the superior court, wherever sitting, setting forth these facts. Upon satisfactory proof of these facts on hearing, after any notice that the court shall have required to be given, the court may order that the petitioner may have the rents and income of the property, both real and personal, of the absentee or party imprisoned, and the rents and income shall be applied to the support of the petitioner and their minor children until further order of the court. Control and management shall be exercised through the intervention of a trustee appointed by the court; or, if the property is less than three hundred dollars ($300) in value, the whole or any part of the property may be set over to the petitioner absolutely.
R.I. Gen. Laws § 15-4-16