- Section 176A:1 - Non-profit hospital service corporations governed by chapter; services received in non-participating hospital; substitution of benefits in nursing homes
- Section 176A:1A - Right to become subscriber; open enrollment periods
- Section 176A:1B - Medicare supplemental group coverage; medical assistance recipients
- Section 176A:1C - Retroactive premium rate increase
- Section 176A:1D - Contracts of reinsurance
- Section 176A:2 - Incorporators; directors; certificate of organization; commissioner's examination report
- Section 176A:3 - Certificate of compliance; examination by commissioner
- Section 176A:3A - Discrimination against abuse victims in terms of hospital service plans
- Section 176A:3B - Medical service plans; genetic tests; discrimination based on genetic information
- Section 176A:4 - Accounting system; accountant, claim manager, underwriter and actuary
- Section 176A:5 - [Effective Until 4/8/2025] Joint administration with certain corporations
- Section 176A:5 - [Effective 4/8/2025] Joint administration with certain corporations
- Section 176A:6 - [Effective Until 4/8/2025] Approval of nongroup contracts
- Section 176A:6 - [Effective 4/8/2025] Approval of nongroup contracts
- Section 176A:7 - Information gathering authority of commissioner; confidentiality of documents
- Section 176A:8 - Conditions to issuance or delivery of contract
- Section 176A:8 1/2 - Group non-profit hospital service contract
- Section 176A:8A - Mental illness expenses; inclusion in contracts as benefits; biologically-based mental disorders; rape-related mental disorders; non-biologically-based mental disorders for children and adolescents under age 19
- Section 176A:8A 1/2 - [Repealed]
- Section 176A:8A 3/4 - Retroactive claims denial for behavioral health services
- Section 176A:8B - Dependent coverage for newborn infants or adoptive children; inclusion in contracts
- Section 176A:8C - Refusal to contract with blind or deaf persons; prohibition
- Section 176A:8D - Limited extension of benefits
- Section 176A:8E - Diethylstilbestrol exposure; discrimination
- Section 176A:8F - Divorced or separated spouses; continuation of eligibility for benefits
- Section 176A:8G - Cardiac rehabilitation expense benefits
- Section 176A:8H - Prenatal, childbirth and postpartum care benefits
- Section 176A:8I - Home care benefits
- Section 176A:8J - Minimum requirements for cytologic screening and mammographic examination expense benefits
- Section 176A:8K - Infertility diagnosis and treatment benefits
- Section 176A:8L - Nonprescription enteral formulas for home use; modified low protein food products
- Section 176A:8M - Standardized claim form
- Section 176A:8N - Off-label use of prescription drugs for cancer treatment
- Section 176A:8O - Bone marrow transplants; individual or group hospital service plan coverage
- Section 176A:8P - Items medically necessary for diagnosis and treatment of diabetes
- Section 176A:8Q - Off-label uses of prescription drugs for HIV/AIDS treatment; individual or group hospital service plan coverage
- Section 176A:8R - Hospice services for terminally ill patients
- Section 176A:8S - Nurse anesthetist and nurse practitioner services; individual or group hospital service plan coverage
- Section 176A:8T - Scalp hair prostheses necessary due to cancer or leukemia treatment
- Section 176A:8U - Emergency services provided to insureds for emergency medical conditions
- Section 176A:8V - Coverage for human leukocyte or histocompatibility locus antigen testing
- Section 176A:8W - Outpatient services; hormone replacement therapy for peri and post menopausal women; contraceptive services; approved prescription contraceptive drugs and devices; exception
- Section 176A:8X - Coverage for patient care services under qualified clinical trials
- Section 176A:8Y - Speech, hearing and language disorders
- Section 176A:8Z - [Repealed]
- Section 176A:8AA - Coverage for prosthetic devices and repairs
- Section 176A:8BB - Coverage for eligible dependents under age of 26 years
- Section 176A:8CC - Restriction or discontinuance of coverage for medically necessary hypodermic syringes prohibited
- Section 176A:8DD - Contracts between subscriber and corporation under an individual or group hospital service plan
- Section 176A:8EE - Coverage for treating cleft lip and cleft palate for children under age 18
- Section 176A:8FF - Coverage for prescribed, orally administered anticancer medications
- Section 176A:8GG - Coverage for abuse deterrent opioid drug products
- Section 176A:8HH - When preauthorization for substance use disorder treatment not required
- Section 176A:8II - Coverage for medically necessary acute treatment and clinical stabilization services
- Section 176A:8JJ - [Multiple Versions] Coverage for long-term antibiotic therapy for patients with Lyme disease
- Section 176A:8JJ - [Multiple Versions] Coverage for prescription eye drops; coverage for refills in accordance with medicare Part D guidelines
- Section 176A:8KK - Coverage for treatment for HIV associated lipodystrophy syndrome
- Section 176A:8LL - Prescriptions filled in lesser quantity pursuant to sec. 18 of chapter 94C
- Section 176A:8MM - [Applicable Until to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Plan to provide adequate coverage and access to broad spectrum of pain management services
- Section 176A:8MM - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Plan to provide adequate coverage and access to broad spectrum of pain management services
- Section 176A:8NN - Coverage of tobacco use cessation counseling and approved products
- Section 176A:8OO - Coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
- Section 176A:8PP - [Repealed]
- Section 176A:8QQ - Coverage for refills of prescription eye drops
- Section 176A:8RR - Coverage for mental health or substance use disorder services delivered through psychiatric collaborative care model
- Section 176A:8SS - Coverage for medically necessary mental health acute treatment, etc.
- Section 176A:8TT - Provision of benefits on nondiscriminatory basis for medically necessary emergency services programs
- Section 176A:8UU - Coverage for an annual mental health wellness examination
- Section 176A:8VV - Coverage for federally-defined preventive services
- Section 176A:8WW - Coverage for standard fertility preservation services
- Section 176A:8XX - Hospital service plan coverage for postpartum depression screenings
- Section 176A:8YY - Hospital service plan coverage for donor human milk
- Section 176A:8ZZ - Hospital service plan coverage for universal postpartum home visiting services
- Section 176A:8AAA - [Effective 2/11/2025] Coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer, digital breast tomosynthesis screening and medically necessary and appropriate screening with breast magnetic resonance imaging or screening breast ultrasound
- Section 176A:8BBB - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Coverage for opioid antagonists
- Section 176A:8CCC - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 1/1/2026] Coverage for recovery coach services
- Section 176A:8DDD - [Effective 4/8/2025] Identification and coverage of specific generic and brand name drugs for chronic conditions, such as diabetes and asthma
- Section 176A:9 - [Repealed]
- Section 176A:10 - [Effective Until 4/8/2025] Group hospital service plan; approval or disapproval of contracts and rates; filing; treatment for alcoholism
- Section 176A:10 - [Effective 4/8/2025] Group hospital service plan; approval or disapproval of contracts and rates; filing; treatment for alcoholism
- Section 176A:10A - Preferred provider arrangements
- Section 176A:11 - Officers; duties
- Section 176A:12 - Publication of assets and liabilities
- Section 176A:13 - Hospitalization and medical service for officers and employees of corporation
- Section 176A:14 - Misrepresentation of terms of subscriber's contract
- Section 176A:14B - Disclosure of information; mental or nervous conditions; exceptions
- Section 176A:15 - Costs of solicitation of subscribers and administration
- Section 176A:16 - Acquisition of real estate; leases; tax exemption; limit; approval of investments, sales, loans and places of deposit
- Section 176A:17 - Submission of disputes and controversies
- Section 176A:18 - Annual statement of condition; verification, filing, form, violations; applicability of chapter 176V
- Section 176A:18A - Financial statements; inclusion of electronic data processing equipment as asset
- Section 176A:19 - Tax exemption
- Section 176A:20 - Filing of amendment of by-laws
- Section 176A:21 - Submission of advertising matter to commissioner
- Section 176A:22 - Filing of riders, endorsements and applications with commissioner
- Section 176A:23 - Grounds for enjoining transaction of business; rehabilitation proceedings; duties of receiver; distribution of assets
- Section 176A:24 - Special contingent reserve fund
- Section 176A:25 - Licensing of agents
- Section 176A:26 - Salaries, compensation or emoluments paid by corporation
- Section 176A:27 - Payroll deductions for governmental employees
- Section 176A:28 - Violations; penalties
- Section 176A:29 - Application
- Section 176A:30 - Savings clause
- Section 176A:31 - Contracts for administrative or other services; loans and investments
- Section 176A:32 - Payment of sums owed to subscriber's estate
- Section 176A:33 - Insolvency of health maintenance organization; replacement coverage
- Section 176A:34 - Statements
- Section 176A:36 - Attribution of members to primary care provider
- Section 176A:37 - Disclosure of patient-level data and contracted prices of health care services by carriers to providers
- Section 176A:38 - Coverage for health care services delivered via telehealth