- Section 175:1 - Definitions
- Section 175:2 - Insurance contract; definition
- Section 175:2A - Reinsurance contracts; status
- Section 175:2B - Readability of policy form; definition; approval; actions based on language
- Section 175:3 - Unauthorized insurance, annuity or variable annuity contracts; prohibition
- Section 175:3A - Insurance laws; administration and enforcement; report of violations
- Section 175:3B - Duties of attorney general; injunctive relief
- Section 175:3C - Promulgation of regulations pertaining to sec. 118E:9C
- Section 175:4 - Examination of companies
- Section 175:4A - Provision of data to commissioner by homeowners insurers; access to data; annual report to general court
- Section 175:4B - Annual report of cancellations and non-renewals of homeowners policies
- Section 175:4C - Nondiscrimination in provision, renewal or cancellation of homeowners policy
- Section 175:4D - Release of heating oil; coverage for residential owners
- Section 175:4E - Insurers barred from refusing to issue or renew private motor vehicle insurance based upon credit information
- Section 175:4F - Liability insurance to cover short-term rental
- Section 175:4G - Use of registry of motor vehicles database or reliable third-party database for accessing applicant's Massachusetts driving history for insurance rating purposes
- Section 175:5 - Foreign companies; revocation of authority; petition for review
- Section 175:6 - Domestic companies; impaired capital; receivership and injunction proceedings
- Section 175:8A - Summoning of witnesses
- Section 175:9 - Computation of reserves; life companies
- Section 175:9 1/2 - Valuation of reserve liabilities for outstanding life insurance policies and annuity and pure endowment contracts of life insurance companies doing business in commonwealth
- Section 175:9A - Claim fluctuation reserves; life companies
- Section 175:9B - Annual opinion of qualified actuary as to reserves
- Section 175:9B 1/2 - Opinion of appointed actuary
- Section 175:10 - Computation of reserves; other than life companies
- Section 175:11 - Assets and liabilities; computation
- Section 175:11A - Valuation standards
- Section 175:12 - Computation of reserves; liability companies
- Section 175:12A - [Repealed]
- Section 175:14 - Charges and fees
- Section 175:14A - Committee on valuation of securities of national association of insurance commissioners; assessment of expenses
- Section 175:16 - Record of proceedings; certified copies
- Section 175:17 - Annual report
- Section 175:18 - Conduct of business in corporate name; publication of assets and liabilities
- Section 175:19A - Merger or consolidation; domestic corporations
- Section 175:19B - Merger or consolidation; formation of foreign corporation
- Section 175:19C - Merger or consolidation; rights of minority stockholders
- Section 175:19D - Conversion from stock to mutual company
- Section 175:19E - Conversion from mutual to stock company or as part of reorganization plan involving parent corporation
- Section 175:19F - Reorganization as domestic stock insurer owned by mutual holding company
- Section 175:19G - Definitions
- Section 175:19H - Plan of reorganization; public hearing; approval of plan; meeting
- Section 175:19I - Salaries, fees and compensation
- Section 175:19J - Withdrawal or amendment of plan of reorganization
- Section 175:19K - Certificate of authority; approval of articles of organization; status upon effective date of plan; rights of members
- Section 175:19L - Commencement of actions; security for damages and expenses
- Section 175:19M - Amendment of amended articles of organization or plan of reorganization upon effective date; vote
- Section 175:19N - Continued use of word mutual in name
- Section 175:19O - Transfer of assets or liabilities
- Section 175:19P - First offer of voting stock after effective date of plan of reorganization; application
- Section 175:19Q - Mutual life insurer as reorganizing insurer; establishment of closed block or alternate method for protection of existing policyholders contractual rights
- Section 175:19R - Additional requirements applicable to reorganizing insurers, intermediate stock holding companies and mutual holding companies
- Section 175:19S - Merger or consolidation of two or more mutual holding companies; written agreement of terms and conditions; pending actions, obligations and liabilities
- Section 175:19T - Domestic mutual insurance company reorganizing with existing domestic or foreign mutual holding company; terms and conditions
- Section 175:19U - Conversion of domestic mutual holding company into domestic stock corporation
- Section 175:19V - Transactions entered into by mutual insurers for purpose of avoiding total gross investment income earned excise
- Section 175:19W - Promulgation of regulations
- Section 175:19X - Mutual companies to provide clear disclosure of compensation paid to executive officers or directors
- Section 175:20 - Reinsurance
- Section 175:20A - Credit for reinsurance
- Section 175:21 - Single risk; limitation; penalty
- Section 175:22 - Unauthorized policy provisions; effect
- Section 175:22A - Combination of hazards; approval
- Section 175:22B - Waivers of provisions of this chapter; prohibition; penalty
- Section 175:22C - Cancellation of motor vehicle policies
- Section 175:22D - Statement of reasons for cancellation; liability
- Section 175:22E - Refusal to issue, renew or execute motor vehicle liability policy or bond
- Section 175:22H - Refusal to issue or renew motor vehicle liability policies or bonds; suspension of license; public hearings; definitions
- Section 175:22I - Amounts received in settlement of claims retained for unpaid premiums
- Section 175:23 - Life company; impairment of funds; issuance of policies; penalty
- Section 175:23A - Certain occurrences affecting insurance companies; notice to commissioner
- Section 175:24 - Life insurance policies; accidental death, disability benefits; approval
- Section 175:24A - Refusal to issue policy or limits on coverages based on sex of insured; prohibition
- Section 175:24B - Modification in covered services or payments; prior notices
- Section 175:24D - Lump sum insurance payments; exchange of claimant information between IV-D agency and insurance companies; withholding of past-due child support subject to lien
- Section 175:24E - Duty to assist recovery of public benefits; denial of claims; penalties; electronic access; wrongful use; emergencies
- Section 175:24F - Insurance company's duty to exchange information with department of revenue
- Section 175:25 - Annual statements; form; contents
- Section 175:25A - Worker's compensation insurers; annual reports
- Section 175:26 - Annual statements; neglect to make; penalty
- Section 175:27 - Annual statements; inclusion of suits on claims
- Section 175:28 - Undue delay or litigation of claims; commissioner's report to general court
- Section 175:29 - Companies subject to this chapter
- Section 175:30 - Laws applicable; stockholder defined
- Section 175:31 - Continuation of certain companies
- Section 175:31A - Domestic companies formed by special acts; extension of territorial limits
- Section 175:32 - Commencement of business; conditions precedent
- Section 175:33 - Policies and endorsements; signatures; facsimile
- Section 175:34 - Home office; change of address; perjury
- Section 175:35 - Salaries; authorization; limitations
- Section 175:36 - Pensions
- Section 175:36A - Agents and agency employees; retirement or insurance benefits
- Section 175:36B - Health and accident insurance companies; employees insurance benefits
- Section 175:37 - Vouchers for disbursements
- Section 175:37A - Relief fund contributions; charitable, scientific or educational contributions
- Section 175:44 - Failure to commence business; organization under special act; withdrawal from insurance business and continuance as business corporation
- Section 175:45 - Unauthorized agencies; penalty
- Section 175:46 - Insolvent domestic companies; preference of certain claims
- Section 175:46A - Insolvent domestic liability companies; preference of certain claims
- Section 175:46B - By-laws of domestic insurance companies; filings
- Section 175:47 - Purposes; nature of business
- Section 175:47A - Businesses in which companies may engage
- Section 175:47B - Mental health benefits; biologically-based mental disorders; mental disorders of rape victims; non-biologically-based mental disorders of children and adolescents under age 19
- Section 175:47C - Dependent coverage for newborn infants or adoptive children; inclusion in policies of accident and sickness insurance
- Section 175:47D - Cardiac rehabilitation expense benefits
- Section 175:47E - Certified nurse midwife services benefits
- Section 175:47F - Prenatal, childbirth and postpartum care benefits
- Section 175:47G - Cytologic screening and mammographic examination expense benefits
- Section 175:47H - Infertility, pregnancy-related benefits
- Section 175:47I - Nonprescription enteral formulas for home use; modified low protein food products
- Section 175:47J - Standardized claim form
- Section 175:47K - Off-label use of prescription drugs for cancer treatment
- Section 175:47L - Review panel; off-label use of prescription drugs for cancer treatment
- Section 175:47N - Blood-glucose monitoring strips for insulin dependent diabetics
- Section 175:47O - Coverage of prescription drugs for HIV/AIDS treatment; off-label use not yet approved by federal food and drug administration; definitions
- Section 175:47P - Panel to advise commissioner regarding off-label uses of prescription drugs for HIV/AIDS treatment
- Section 175:47Q - Nurse anesthetist and nurse practitioner services; accident and health insurance benefits
- Section 175:47R - Bone marrow transplants; accident and sickness insurance coverage for certain patients
- Section 175:47S - Hospice services for terminally ill patients
- Section 175:47T - Scalp hair prostheses necessary due to cancer or leukemia treatment
- Section 175:47U - Emergency services provided to insureds for emergency medical conditions
- Section 175:47V - Coverage for human leukocyte or histocompatibility locus antigen testing
- Section 175:47W - Outpatient services; hormone replacement therapy for peri and post menopausal women; contraceptive services; approved prescription contraceptive drugs or devises; exception
- Section 175:47X - Diagnosis and treatment of speech, hearing and language disorders
- Section 175:47Y - Insurance coverage for medically necessary hypodermic syringes or needles
- Section 175:47Z - Insurance coverage for prosthetic devices and repairs
- Section 175:47AA - Individual policy of accident and sickness insurance
- Section 175:47BB - Coverage for treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate for children under age 18
- Section 175:47DD - Coverage for prescribed, orally administered anticancer medications
- Section 175:47EE - Coverage for abuse deterrent opioid drug products
- Section 175:47FF - When preauthorization for substance use disorder treatment not required
- Section 175:47GG - Coverage for medically necessary acute treatment and clinical stabilization services
- Section 175:47HH - [Repealed]
- Section 175:47II - Coverage for treatment for HIV associated lipodystrophy syndrome
- Section 175:47JJ - Prescriptions filled in lesser quantity pursuant to sec. 18 of chapter
- Section 175:47KK - [Applicable Until to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Plan to provide adequate coverage and access to broad spectrum of pain management services
- Section 175:47KK - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Plan to provide adequate coverage and access to broad spectrum of pain management services
- Section 175:47LL - Coverage of tobacco use cessation counseling and approved products
- Section 175:47MM - Coverage for health care services delivered via telehealth
- Section 175:47NN - Coverage for treatment of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
- Section 175:47OO - [Repealed]
- Section 175:47PP - Coverage for refills of prescription eye drops
- Section 175:47QQ - Coverage for mental health or substance use disorder services delivered through psychiatric collaborative care model
- Section 175:47RR - Provision of benefits on nondiscriminatory basis for medically necessary emergency services programs
- Section 175:47SS - Coverage for medically necessary mental health acute treatment, etc.
- Section 175:47TT - Coverage for annual mental health wellness examination
- Section 175:47UU - Coverage for federally-defined preventive services
- Section 175:47VV - Coverage for standard fertility preservation services
- Section 175:47WW - Insurance coverage for postpartum depression screenings
- Section 175:47XX - Insurance coverage for donor human milk
- Section 175:47YY - Insurance coverage for universal postpartum home visiting services
- Section 175:47ZZ - [Effective 2/11/2025] Coverage for diagnostic examinations for breast cancer, digital breast tomosynthesis screening and medically necessary and appropriate screening with breast magnetic resonance imaging or screening breast ultrasound
- Section 175:47AAA - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 7/1/2025] Coverage for opioid antagonists
- Section 175:47BBB - [Applicable to all contracts entered into, renewed or amended on or after 1/1/2026] Coverage for services by recovery coach
- Section 175:47CCC - [Effective 4/8/2025] Identification and coverage for specific generic and brand name drugs used to treat chronic conditions, such as diabetes and asthma
- Section 175:48 - Stock companies; formation; capital and surplus; stock; options; promoter defined
- Section 175:48A - Mutual companies
- Section 175:49 - Formation of corporation
- Section 175:49A - Corporate domicile; foreign insurers; transfer of domicile
- Section 175:50 - Stock companies; amendment of articles of organization
- Section 175:50A - Mutual companies; amendment of articles of organization
- Section 175:50B - Amendment of articles of organization; submission; approval; filing; effective date
- Section 175:51 - Stock companies; kinds of business; power to combine
- Section 175:54 - Mutual companies; kinds of business; power to combine
- Section 175:54A - Domestic companies; risks and hazards in other states
- Section 175:54B - Reinsurance of risks; exceptions
- Section 175:54C - Motor vehicle insurance
- Section 175:54D - Personal property floater
- Section 175:54E - Dwelling houses; comprehensive and medical coverages
- Section 175:54F - Commercial property, goods in storage or transit, and other merchandise or equipment; coverage by certain companies in fire insurance policies
- Section 175:54G - Reinsurance or pooling of risks by life insurance companies; regulations; approval and certificate; restrictions
- Section 175:55 - Powers of certain mutual companies
- Section 175:56 - Fraternal societies; reincorporation
- Section 175:57 - Stock companies; directors; quorum
- Section 175:58 - Directors; duties
- Section 175:59 - President and secretary; duties; records; inspection
- Section 175:60 - Officers; bonds; penalty
- Section 175:62 - Liability of officers
- Section 175:63 - Capital and reserve; payment; investment
- Section 175:63A - Acquisition or investment in medium and lower grade obligations; limitations
- Section 175:64 - Investments
- Section 175:65 - Mortgage loans
- Section 175:66 - Life companies; investments
- Section 175:66A - Life companies; acquisition of housing projects; limitations
- Section 175:66B - Life companies; acquisition of realty; limitations
- Section 175:66C - Life companies; investment in stock of insurance companies
- Section 175:66D - Life companies; investment in and acquisition of stock of subsidiary corporations
- Section 175:66E - Life companies; investment in limited partnership interests
- Section 175:66F - Acquisition of interest in limited liability company by domestic life company
- Section 175:67 - Life companies; charter limitations on investments; exception
- Section 175:68 - Unauthorized investments; disposition
- Section 175:69 - Impaired capital; assessment; effect of non-compliance with commissioner; order
- Section 175:70 - Increase of stated capital
- Section 175:71 - Reduction of stated capital
- Section 175:72 - Dividends
- Section 175:73 - Fire companies; solicitation of business; issuance of policies; restrictions; penalties
- Section 175:74 - Fire companies; further insurance by certain companies; certificate
- Section 175:75 - Fire companies; underwriters; compensation
- Section 175:76 - Fire companies; members
- Section 175:77 - Fire companies; directors
- Section 175:78 - Fire companies; laws applicable; records; perjury; inspection; jurisdiction
- Section 175:79 - Fire companies; guaranty capital; dividends; retirement
- Section 175:80 - Fire companies; dividends; accumulated profits
- Section 175:81 - Fire companies; premiums; contingent liability
- Section 175:82 - Fire companies; power of certain companies to take deposit notes
- Section 175:83 - Fire companies; assessments
- Section 175:84 - Fire companies; review or order of assessment by supreme judicial court
- Section 175:85 - Fire companies; penalty for guaranty against assessments; personal liability of officers
- Section 175:85A - Fire companies; non-assessable policies; issuance
- Section 175:86 - Marine companies; subscribers; losses; dividends; redemption fund
- Section 175:88 - Marine companies; applicability of certain sections
- Section 175:89 - Officers and subscribers; liability
- Section 175:90 - Laws relating to mutual fire companies; applicability to certain mutuals; assessments
- Section 175:90A - Policies; issuance by fire and marine and automobile companies; conditions precedent
- Section 175:90B - Policies; issuance by fidelity and corporate surety companies; guaranty capital; members
- Section 175:90C - Guaranty fund; creation in lieu of guaranty capital by certain companies
- Section 175:92 - Boiler companies; issuance of policies
- Section 175:93 - Liability companies; issuance of policies
- Section 175:93A - Miscellaneous companies; issuance of policies
- Section 175:93B - Surety, liability and casualty companies; issuance of policies; condition precedent
- Section 175:93C - Surety, liability and casualty companies; guaranty fund; establishment
- Section 175:93D - Surety, liability and casualty companies; impairment of guaranty capital or decrease in business; effect
- Section 175:93E - Life, liability and casualty companies; issuance of policies; dividends
- Section 175:93F - Non-assessable policies; issuance
- Section 175:94 - Life companies; members; voting rights; selection and qualification of directors
- Section 175:94A - Definitions
- Section 175:94B - Individuals and corporations; power to exchange reciprocal contracts
- Section 175:94C - Domestic exchanges; organization; regulation
- Section 175:94D - Domestic exchange; certificates and provisional certificates to transact business; applications
- Section 175:94E - Foreign exchange; licensing under certain conditions
- Section 175:94F - Commissioner of insurance; power to grant license
- Section 175:94G - Issuance of insurance contracts; conditions precedent
- Section 175:94H - Assets, surplus and reserve; required amount; sections applicable
- Section 175:94I - Annual report
- Section 175:94J - Contracts subject to this chapter
- Section 175:94K - Advisory committee
- Section 175:94L - Power of attorney
- Section 175:94M - Unused premium deposits
- Section 175:94N - Conversion to or merger with domestic mutual insurance company; provisions of conversion plan
- Section 175:95 - Fire insurance; over-insurance; prohibition; term of policy
- Section 175:95A - Continuation or renewal of policies on residential property exceeding amount of outstanding mortgage; prohibition
- Section 175:95B - Discrimination against abuse victims in terms of residential property insurance policy
- Section 175:96 - Fire loss; limitation on liability
- Section 175:96A - Loss of occupancy, etc.; amount
- Section 175:97 - Payment of mortgages
- Section 175:97A - Payment of proceeds; certificate of municipal liens; priority; exclusion
- Section 175:98 - Application for insurance; application of section; preliminary contracts
- Section 175:99 - Fire policy; standard form
- Section 175:99A - Fire policy; damage caused by nuclear reaction or contamination
- Section 175:99B - Property insurance for business, professional or governmental operation
- Section 175:99C - Sailmaker shops; insurance against damage or loss by fire or fire and lightning
- Section 175:100 - Referees; selection
- Section 175:100A - Referees; vacancies; fillings
- Section 175:100B - Referees; qualifications
- Section 175:101 - Referees; meetings
- Section 175:101A - Referees; awards
- Section 175:101B - Referees; compensation of third referee; review by commissioner
- Section 175:101C - Referees; payment of compensation of third referee, effect
- Section 175:101D - Referees; determination of sound value
- Section 175:101E - Legal defenses of company; non-waiver by joining in reference proceedings
- Section 175:101F - Penalties
- Section 175:101G - Receivership proceedings; preference of referees' claims
- Section 175:101H - Sound value
- Section 175:102 - Proof of loss
- Section 175:102A - Combination policies; contents; commissioner's approval
- Section 175:102B - Combination policies; mutual companies
- Section 175:102C - Policy against loss or damage to property by radioactive contamination; form; contents; requisites
- Section 175:102D - National flood insurance program; authorization of participating companies to issue policies; proof of loss; service of process
- Section 175:102E - Crime insurance policies
- Section 175:105 - Fidelity and corporate surety companies; powers
- Section 175:106 - Foreign companies; deposit with state treasurer
- Section 175:107 - Surety bonds; status
- Section 175:108 - Accident and health insurance policies; commissioner's approval; contents
- Section 175:108A - Refusal to issue policy to blind or deaf persons; prohibition
- Section 175:108B - Policies or health care contracts; services performed by registered dentists included
- Section 175:108C - Diethylstilbestrol exposure; discrimination
- Section 175:108D - Reimbursement for chiropractic services
- Section 175:108E - Disclosure of information; mental or nervous conditions; exceptions
- Section 175:108G - Discrimination against abuse victims in terms of accident or sickness insurance policy
- Section 175:108H - Terms of accident or sickness insurance policies; genetic tests; discrimination based on genetic information
- Section 175:108I - [Repealed]
- Section 175:108J - Discrimination Prohibited
- Section 175:108L - Attribution of members to primary care provider
- Section 175:108M - Disclosure of patient-level data and contracted prices of health care services by carriers to providers
- Section 175:108N - Discrimination based upon applicant's or insured's race, color, etc.
- Section 175:110 - General or blanket policies; power to issue; non-applicability of sec. 108
- Section 175:110A - Disability insurance; exemption from attachment; exception
- Section 175:110B - Premiums; non-payment; notices; cancellation of policy; actions
- Section 175:110C - Health insurance of persons over 65; issuance by two or more companies
- Section 175:110D - Coverage for certain period after insured leaves insured group
- Section 175:110E - Standards for disclosure of contents and for advertising of policies; rules and regulations; enforcement procedures and penalties
- Section 175:110F - Effect of federal social security benefit increase upon payment of benefits under disability policy
- Section 175:110G - Limited extension of benefits
- Section 175:110H - Policies cancellable at age 65; notice to insured
- Section 175:110I - Divorced or separated spouses; continued health insurance coverage
- Section 175:110J - Group policies issued to trustees of fund appointed by council on aging
- Section 175:110K - Alternative dental coverage option
- Section 175:110L - Clinical trials; definitions; coverage
- Section 175:110M - Reports
- Section 175:111 - Beneficiary; power to sue
- Section 175:111A - Liability insurance; combination policies; contents; commissioner's approval
- Section 175:111B - Combination policies; issuance by mutual companies; notice of reduced or eliminated coverages
- Section 175:111C - Medical pay provisions
- Section 175:111D - Uninsured vehicle endorsement
- Section 175:111E - Professional liability policies
- Section 175:111F - Medical reports; furnishing copy to injured person or attorney
- Section 175:111G - Extent of family coverage; stated deductible amount
- Section 175:111H - Insurance rules and regulations concerning lead abatement; coverage of injuries resulting from lead exposure
- Section 175:112 - Payment of losses; regulations
- Section 175:112A - Liquor liability insurance; coverage
- Section 175:112B - Cancellation of liquor liability insurance by insurer; notice to insured and to licensing authorities
- Section 175:112C - Insured's liability coverage limits; notice to injured party
- Section 175:113 - Judgment; satisfaction
- Section 175:113A - Compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance policies; contents; commissioner's approval; options to purchase policies or bonds; notice of reduced or eliminated coverages
- Section 175:113B - Classifications of risks and premium charges
- Section 175:113B 1/2 - Definition of minor accident for at-fault accident claims
- Section 175:113C - Companies authorized to issue policies; notice to registrar; mandatory offer of additional coverage; limits
- Section 175:113D - Policies; cancellation; proceedings; review
- Section 175:113E - Deposit premiums
- Section 175:113F - Notice of intent to not issue or renew motor vehicle liability policies or to execute or act as surety on motor vehicle liability bond
- Section 175:113G - Officers, directors and employees; financial interest in companies or agencies; restrictions
- Section 175:113H - Assigned risk plans
- Section 175:113I - Freedom of contract between insurers and agents or brokers; manner of issuing policies
- Section 175:113J - Medical reports
- Section 175:113K - Minors; contracts for motor vehicle liability insurance
- Section 175:113L - Uninsured motorists; insufficient liability limits; coverage
- Section 175:113N - Medical examination of applicants prohibited
- Section 175:113O - Fire, theft, or comprehensive coverage; payments for loss or damage; statements to police; claim forms; actions for nonpayment
- Section 175:113P - Appeals from application of safe driver insurance plan
- Section 175:113Q - Automobile club memberships; automobile insurance prohibited
- Section 175:113R - Interest on refunds of overpayments
- Section 175:113S - Inspection of vehicles prior to coverage
- Section 175:113T - Repair shop coverage
- Section 175:113U - Antique motor car policies
- Section 175:113V - Overutilization of practice or fraud involving automobile insurance claims; medical licensing boards; investigations
- Section 175:113W - Conversion of Association to Hospitality Mutual Insurance Company
- Section 175:113X - Motor vehicle glass repair covered by motor vehicle liability insurance; prohibited acts; penalty
- Section 175:114 - Title insurance; domestic companies; non-applicability of certain provisions of this chapter
- Section 175:116 - Guarantee fund
- Section 175:116A - Foreign companies; non-applicability of certain provisions of this chapter
- Section 175:117 - Steam boiler insurance; policies; term; exception
- Section 175:117A - Marine and automobile and sprinkler leakage insurance; combination policies; contents; commissioner's approval
- Section 175:117B - Credit insurance combination policies; contents; commissioner's approval
- Section 175:117C - Premium rates; determination; filing; reports
- Section 175:117D - Credit involuntary unemployment insurance
- Section 175:118 - Definition
- Section 175:119 - Life insurance; domestic companies; power to grant annuities
- Section 175:119A - Insurance benefits; protection of beneficiaries
- Section 175:119B - Refund of prepaid premiums upon death of insured
- Section 175:119C - Interest on proceeds payable upon death of insured
- Section 175:120 - Discrimination; prohibition
- Section 175:120A - Mentally retarded persons as insureds
- Section 175:120B - Blind persons as insured
- Section 175:120C - Diethylstilbestrol exposure; discrimination
- Section 175:120D - Discrimination against abuse victims in terms of life insurance or endowment insurance
- Section 175:120E - Life insurance policies; genetic tests; discrimination based on genetic information
- Section 175:120F - Discrimination prohibited
- Section 175:121 - Certain agreements; prohibition
- Section 175:122 - Discrimination on account of color; penalty
- Section 175:122A - Excluding or limiting services based on lawful travel plans
- Section 175:122B - Discrimination based on opioid antagonist prescription prohibited
- Section 175:123 - Certain policies; issuance; restrictions; penalty
- Section 175:123A - Insurable interests of corporations
- Section 175:124 - Statements concerning age or health; binding effect on company
- Section 175:125 - Creditors or beneficiaries; rights
- Section 175:126 - Married woman; beneficiary under insurance contract
- Section 175:127 - False statements; penalties
- Section 175:128 - Infants; avoidance of certain contracts; prohibition
- Section 175:129 - Policies; description
- Section 175:130 - Policies; incorrect dating; prohibition
- Section 175:131 - Copy of application; attachment to policy
- Section 175:132 - Policies; commissioner's approval; contents
- Section 175:132A - Group annuity contracts other than described in sec. 132A
- Section 175:132A 1/2 - Requirements for other group annuity contracts
- Section 175:132B - Group annuity contract; issuance; form; commissioner's approval; review; contents
- Section 175:132C - Group annuity contract; exemption from process; exception
- Section 175:132D - Group annuity contracts; members
- Section 175:132E - Group annuity contract; construction
- Section 175:132F - Pension contracts; funding agreements; separate accounts
- Section 175:132G - Variable annuity contracts; issuance; contents; separate investment accounts; reserve liability; approval; rules and regulations
- Section 175:132H - Variable annuity contracts; investment of assets; limitations; rules and regulations
- Section 175:132I - Funding agreements
- Section 175:133 - Group life insurance defined
- Section 175:133A - Group life insurance other than described in sec. 133
- Section 175:134 - Group life policies; commissioner's approval; contents
- Section 175:134A - Conversion; right of certificate-holder; notice
- Section 175:134C - Assignment incidents of ownership
- Section 175:135 - Group life policies; exemption from attachment; exception
- Section 175:136 - Group life policies; exemption from loan provision
- Section 175:137 - Group policies; members
- Section 175:138 - Construction
- Section 175:138A - Group life policies; pay-roll deductions of state and local employees
- Section 175:139 - Life; endowment or annuity contracts; conversion; alteration; exchange; construction
- Section 175:140 - Annual dividends
- Section 175:141 - Safety fund
- Section 175:142 - Loans; interest rates; loan value; definitions
- Section 175:143 - Forfeitures; applicability of earlier laws to certain policies
- Section 175:144 - Cash surrender value; terms defined; paid-up annuities after three years
- Section 175:144 1/2 - Life insurance policies to contain substance provisions
- Section 175:144A - [Repealed]
- Section 175:144A 1/2 - Annuity contracts
- Section 175:145 - Cash surrender value; industrial policies issued at certain time
- Section 175:146 - Cash surrender value; industrial policies; applicability of sec. 144
- Section 175:146A - Industrial policies; default in payment of premiums; notice of non-forfeiture benefits
- Section 175:146B - Massachusetts life and health insurance guaranty association law
- Section 175:149 - Participating and nonparticipating policies
- Section 175:149A - Unclaimed funds defined
- Section 175:149B - Unclaimed funds; reports by companies
- Section 175:149C - Unclaimed funds; payment to state treasurer
- Section 175:149D - Unclaimed funds; custody; claims; proceedings; judgment and satisfaction
- Section 175:149E - Examination of records; withholding or failing to report funds
- Section 175:149F - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149G - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149H - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149I - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149J - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149K - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149L - [Repealed]
- Section 175:149M - Definitions for secs. 149M to 149X
- Section 175:149N - Service contracts
- Section 175:149O - Reimbursement insurance policies insuring service contracts
- Section 175:149P - Language of service contracts
- Section 175:149Q - Prohibited acts
- Section 175:149R - Provider requirements
- Section 175:149S - Termination of policy
- Section 175:149T - Payment of premiums
- Section 175:149U - Examination of providers, administrators and insurers; violations
- Section 175:149V - Exemptions from secs. 149M to 149W
- Section 175:149W - Promulgation of rules and regulations
- Section 175:149X - Retention of fees
- Section 175:150 - Foreign companies; admission
- Section 175:151 - Conditions of admission; general provisions
- Section 175:152 - Classes of business; permissive combinations
- Section 175:152A - Non-assessable policies; power to issue; conditions
- Section 175:153 - Conditions of admission; foreign life companies
- Section 175:154 - Service of process; duty of commissioner; fees
- Section 175:155 - Conditions of admission; companies of foreign countries
- Section 175:156 - Company of foreign country; appointment of trustees
- Section 175:156A - Capital or assets; impairment; issuance of policies; penalty
- Section 175:157 - [Repealed]
- Section 175:158 - Policies; effect of war
- Section 175:159 - Reciprocity
- Section 175:160 - Unlicensed companies; issuance of policies; exceptions; marine insurers
- Section 175:160A - Unlicensed companies; advertisement; penalty; exception
- Section 175:160B - Unlicensed companies; notice by commissioner
- Section 175:160C - Automobile insurance; company as agent for insurers doing business in Mexico; separate accounts; payment of percentage of gross premiums
- Section 175:160D - Agent or broker securing automobile coverage with Mexican companies; separate accounts; payment of percentage of gross premiums
- Section 175:161A - Definitions
- Section 175:161B - Domestication agreement
- Section 175:161C - Approval of agreement by alien and domestic insurers
- Section 175:161D - Approval of agreement by commissioner
- Section 175:161E - Instrument of transfer and assumption; effect of filing
- Section 175:162 - Definitions
- Section 175:162A - [Repealed]
- Section 175:162B - Agents and brokers; power to accept installment premiums
- Section 175:162C - Direct billing; mandatory agreements prohibited
- Section 175:162D - Expense premium commissions; payment to insurance agents; additional compensation
- Section 175:162E - Motor vehicle insurance made by insurer pursuant to American agency system; insurer commission arrangements
- Section 175:162F - Property or casualty insurance information; proprietary rights of agents and brokers
- Section 175:162G - Licensing of insurance producers; secs. 162H to 162X govern qualifications and procedures
- Section 175:162H - Definitions
- Section 175:162I - License requirement
- Section 175:162J - Insurance producer licenses; persons not required to be licensed
- Section 175:162K - Written examination
- Section 175:162L - Applications; requirements for approval
- Section 175:162M - Qualification for insurance producer license; lines of authority
- Section 175:162N - Nonresident producer licenses
- Section 175:162O - Individuals licensed in another state; exemption
- Section 175:162P - Use of assumed name; notification
- Section 175:162Q - Temporary License
- Section 175:162R - Causes for suspension, revocation or levying civil penalties
- Section 175:162S - Insurance producers acting as agents of insurers; appointment procedures
- Section 175:162T - Insurer's termination of appointment, contract, etc. with producer; procedures
- Section 175:162U - Non-resident license applicants; requirements
- Section 175:162V - Reporting administrative action taken against producer; reporting criminal prosecution of producer
- Section 175:162W - Promulgation of regulations relating to insurance producers
- Section 175:162X - Invalid provisions
- Section 175:162Y - Portable electronics insurance
- Section 175:162Z - Limited lines travel insurance producer license
- Section 175:163 - Agents; licensing; penalties; cancellation, modification, revocation, or expiration of contract; referees; decision; review
- Section 175:163A - [Repealed]
- Section 175:164 - Collectors of premiums
- Section 175:164A - Lapsed industrial life policies; effect on agents' commissions
- Section 175:165 - [Repealed]
- Section 175:166 - [Repealed]
- Section 175:166A - [Repealed]
- Section 175:166B - Revocation of license; disposition of interest in agency or brokerage; appointment of receiver; injunction
- Section 175:167 - [Repealed]
- Section 175:167A - Brokers' licenses; fees; exemption of certain persons
- Section 175:168 - Special insurance brokers; licensing; contracts for unauthorized companies
- Section 175:168A - Procurement of insurance by special brokers
- Section 175:169 - Effect of payment to agent or broker
- Section 175:170 - Agent or broker; fraud; penalty
- Section 175:171 - Illegal insurance contracts; liability of agent
- Section 175:172 - Adjusters of fire losses; licensing; penalty; examination for applicants
- Section 175:172A - Voluntary association licenses
- Section 175:173 - Partnership licenses
- Section 175:174 - Corporation licenses
- Section 175:174A - Hearings, revocation or suspension of licenses; notices
- Section 175:174B - Revoked licenses; surrender; renewal certificates; penalty
- Section 175:174C - [Repealed]
- Section 175:174D - [Repealed]
- Section 175:174F - Business transacted with broker-controlled insurer act
- Section 175:174G - Definitions
- Section 175:174H - Application of secs. 174F to 174K
- Section 175:174I - Written contract between controlling broker and insurer required; terms
- Section 175:174J - Notice to prospective insured disclosing broker-controlled insurer relationship
- Section 175:174K - Violations of secs. 174F to 174K; remedies
- Section 175:175 - Impersonation; penalty
- Section 175:176 - Larceny by agent or broker
- Section 175:176A - Refund or credit of return premiums on cancelled motor vehicle policies; penalty
- Section 175:177 - Unlicensed persons; compensation; penalty
- Section 175:177A - Insurance advisers; meaning of term
- Section 175:177B - Licensing; examination for applicants
- Section 175:177C - Contracts; form and requisites
- Section 175:177D - Receipt
- Section 175:177E - Continuing educational requirements
- Section 175:177F - Managing General Agents Act
- Section 175:177G - Definitions
- Section 175:177H - Licensure and errors and omissions coverage required
- Section 175:177I - Written contract between managing general agent and insurer required; terms
- Section 175:177J - Financial examinations; review; actuarial opinions
- Section 175:177K - Acts of agent considered acts of insurer
- Section 175:177L - Administrative action against managing general agent
- Section 175:177M - Reinsurance intermediary act
- Section 175:177N - Definitions
- Section 175:177O - Reinsurance intermediary brokers; limitations; bond; application for licensure
- Section 175:177P - Written contract between reinsurance intermediary broker and insurer required; terms
- Section 175:177Q - Records
- Section 175:177R - License requirement for broker; employment restriction; annual financial statements
- Section 175:177S - Written contract between reinsurance intermediary manager and reinsurer required; terms
- Section 175:177T - Prohibited agreements, appointments, payments and employment
- Section 175:177U - License requirement for manager; annual financial statements; actuarial opinions; notice of termination; prohibited appointments
- Section 175:177V - Examination by commissioner
- Section 175:177W - Administrative action against reinsurance intermediary
- Section 175:178 - Receivers; compensation and accounts
- Section 175:179 - Commissioner or deputy; receivership function
- Section 175:180 - Accounts; examinations
- Section 175:180A - Definitions applicable to secs. 180A to 180L 1/2
- Section 175:180B - Domestic companies; rehabilitation proceedings
- Section 175:180C - Domestic companies; liquidation proceedings; approval of proposal to distribute; notice of application
- Section 175:180D - Domestic companies; duty of receivers to give notice of appointment
- Section 175:180E - Ancillary receiver of foreign insurer
- Section 175:180F - Proof of claims of non-residents; priorities of distribution
- Section 175:180G - Proof of claims; causes of actions against policyholders
- Section 175:180H - Contingent claims
- Section 175:180I - Liquidation proceedings commenced in reciprocal state; proof of claims
- Section 175:180J - Special deposit claims; priority
- Section 175:180K - Secured claims
- Section 175:180L - Severability
- Section 175:180L 1/2 - Termination, liquidation, acceleration or close out any netting agreement or qualified financial contract
- Section 175:180M - Definitions
- Section 175:180N - Emergency by-laws in cases of national emergency
- Section 175:180O - Board of directors
- Section 175:180P - List of succession
- Section 175:180Q - Location of home office or principal place of business
- Section 175:181 - Misrepresentations by insurer; penalty
- Section 175:182 - Special inducements, etc.; rebates; loans in connection with student loan insurance programs
- Section 175:183 - Rebates; acceptance; prohibition
- Section 175:184 - Application of secs. 182 and 183
- Section 175:185 - Deposits by companies
- Section 175:186 - Misrepresentations by insured; effect
- Section 175:186A - Delivery of policy; presumptions
- Section 175:186B - Effect of lack of sworn statement of loss; laws applicable
- Section 175:187 - Foreign companies; contents of policies
- Section 175:187A - Actions on policies; limitation
- Section 175:187B - Cancellation of policy; failure to return premium; penalties
- Section 175:187C - Cancellation of policy; procedure
- Section 175:187D - Cancellation of policy; non-payment of premium
- Section 175:187E - Small claims; payments to heirs of decedents
- Section 175:187F - Cancellation of policies during strike of insurance agents
- Section 175:187G - Lapse of certain life insurance policies during strike of agents; reinstatement
- Section 175:187H - Owner's right to cancel policy; notice; refund of prepaid premiums
- Section 175:188 - Unlawful use of proxy; penalty
- Section 175:189 - Policies in violation of this chapter; penalty
- Section 175:190A - Definitions applicable to secs. 190A to 190C
- Section 175:190B - Mass marketed life or health insurance; reasonableness of charges; findings; orders; review
- Section 175:190C - Mass marketed life or health insurance; nonresident insurers; compliance with state laws
- Section 175:191 - Commissioner; power to require filing of policies and circulars; penalty
- Section 175:191A - Property damage to insured's motor vehicle; notice of losses; arbitration clause
- Section 175:192 - Riders and endorsements; commissioner's approval
- Section 175:192A - Loose leaf policies; filing and approval
- Section 175:193 - Policies issued contrary to this chapter; validity
- Section 175:193A - Jurisdiction; violations of this chapter
- Section 175:193B - Motor vehicle insurance; instalment payments
- Section 175:193B 1/2 - Motor vehicle insurance; interest charges on installment payments
- Section 175:193C - Domestic companies; interlocking directorates; regulations; procedure
- Section 175:193D - Domestic companies; power to acquire stock of other companies; regulations
- Section 175:193E - Coercion in the placing of insurance on real or personal property prohibited; fines; exceptions
- Section 175:193F - Policy forms; filing with commissioner; approval
- Section 175:193G - Policy forms; disapproval; resubmission for approval
- Section 175:193H - Policy form; withdrawal of approval; notice and hearing; review
- Section 175:193I - Disclosure of investments of officers, directors and principal stockholders
- Section 175:193J - Solicitation of proxies
- Section 175:193K - Professional services; provisions for payment; discrimination
- Section 175:193P - Fire insurance policies; nonrenewal notice provision; requisites of notice
- Section 175:193R - Group marketing plans for automobile and homeowner insurance; definitions; rules and regulations; rates; payroll deductions
- Section 175:193T - Discrimination based on blindness, intellectual disability, or physical impairment
- Section 175:193U - Discrimination based on specialty practiced; risk classification; definitions
- Section 175:194 - General penalty
- Section 175:195 - Fire and multiple peril insurers required to contribute to costs of training fire fighting personnel and other purposes
- Section 175:196 - Payment under liquor liability insurance; notice to attorney general
- Section 175:204 - Regulations; promulgation
- Section 175:205 - Policies providing supplemental coverage to medicare; limitations on issuance or renewal
- Section 175:206 - Definitions for sections 206 through 206D
- Section 175:206A - Domestic insurers; investment in capital stock of subsidiaries
- Section 175:206B - Merger or acquisition of control; statement filed with commissioner; hearing; approval; violations
- Section 175:206C - Registration statements; transactions requiring commissioners approval; determination of reasonable surplus; confidentiality of information
- Section 175:206D - Violations; injunctive relief; improperly acquired voting securities; penalties
- Section 175:207 - Acquisition of stock of subsidiary insurer; approval of plan by commissioner, objections of shareholders
- Section 175:208 - Merger of insurance holding company system into domestic insurance subsidiary
- Section 175:209 - Commissioner's issuance of licenses to banks to act as insurance agents or brokers
- Section 175:210 - Procedure for resolution of consumer complaints relative to banks acting as insurance agents
- Section 175:211 - Information relating to insurance activities of banks furnished to federal agencies
- Section 175:212 - Definitions for Secs. 213 to 223E
- Section 175:213 - Life settlement providers; licensure
- Section 175:214 - Suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of license
- Section 175:215 - Approval of forms by commissioner
- Section 175:216 - Annual statement to commissioner
- Section 175:217 - Nondisclosure of individual identification data or confidential information of insured
- Section 175:218 - Examination of business by commissioner when deemed reasonably necessary to protect public interest; confidential information; records maintenance
- Section 175:219 - Advertisement by licensed life settlement brokers or providers
- Section 175:220 - Disclosures by providers
- Section 175:221 - Financing as collateral; causes for rejection
- Section 175:222 - Entering into life settlement contract where insured has terminal or chronic illness
- Section 175:223 - Life settlement contracts with residents from other states
- Section 175:223A - Fraudulent life settlement acts
- Section 175:223B - Violations of secs. 213 to 223E; participation in life settlements business by felons; statement regarding false information required; knowledge of fraudulent life settlement acts; antifraud initiatives
- Section 175:223C - Violations of secs. 213 to 223E
- Section 175:223D - Penalty
- Section 175:223E - Unfair trade practices
- Section 175:223F - Authority of commissioner to promulgated regulations
- Section 175:224 - Large commercial policy holders
- Section 175:225 - Disclosure notice
- Section 175:226 - [Effective Until 4/8/2025] Audit of pharmacy records; appeals process; limitations; promulgation of regulations
- Section 175:226 - [Effective 4/8/2025] Audit of pharmacy records; appeals process; limitations; promulgation of regulations
- Section 175:227 - Annual submission of statement of actuarial opinion of appointed actuary; liability of appointed actuary; penalties; promulgation of rules and regulations
- Section 175:228 - Adequate insurance for transportation network drivers
- Section 175:229 - [See also Version 2 as added by another 2016 act] Self-service storage insurance
- Section 175:229 - [See also Version 1 as added by another 2016 act] Applicability of chapter 176V
- Section 175:230 - Application of chapter 176W