- Section 159A 1/2:1 - Definitions
- Section 159A 1/2:2 - Jurisdiction of division; transportation network companies
- Section 159A 1/2:3 - Use of digital network; permits; application for permit; background check; fees
- Section 159A 1/2:4 - Transportation network driver certificate; background checks; suspension of certificate; quarterly audits
- Section 159A 1/2:5 - Insurance requirements
- Section 159A 1/2:6 - Companies in violation of chapter or rules or regulations; penalty; judicial review
- Section 159A 1/2:7 - Violations of chapter by drivers providing transportation network services; penalties
- Section 159A 1/2:8 - Maintenance of records; complaints; confidentiality of driver and rider identification information
- Section 159A 1/2:9 - Right of transportation network company to suspend, revoke or terminatie driver from digital network
- Section 159A 1/2:10 - Companies exempt from imposition of taxes or additional licenses by municipalities or other local or state entities other than Massachusetts Port Authority
- Section 159A 1/2:11 - Rules and regulations
- Section 159A 1/2:12 - Transportation network company pre-arranged ride data; confidential data-sharing agreements
- Section 159A 1/2:13 - Program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation network vehicles