- Section 151A:1 - Definitions
- Section 151A:2 - Service deemed employment; exclusions
- Section 151A:3 - Service within and without commonwealth included in "employment"
- Section 151A:4A - Service included in "employment"; American employer; state
- Section 151A:5 - Services under arrangements with agencies of other states and federal government included in "employment"
- Section 151A:6 - Services not included in "employment"
- Section 151A:6A - Other services not included in "employment"
- Section 151A:8 - Employing units subject to statute
- Section 151A:8A - Other employing units subject to statute
- Section 151A:8B - Domestic service and agricultural labor; employer
- Section 151A:8C - Crew leaders; definition; employees of crew leaders
- Section 151A:9 - Individuals employed by unit in several places
- Section 151A:11 - Ceasing to be subject to statute
- Section 151A:12 - Determination whether employer within statute; review; reconsideration
- Section 151A:13 - Payment of contributions; credit to unemployment compensation fund
- Section 151A:14 - Contribution rates in general; contributions in general; definitions; notice of payment of benefit and potential charges; review; transfer of business
- Section 151A:14A - Nonprofit organizations and governmental employers
- Section 151A:14B - Liability for payments; credits; adjustments
- Section 151A:14C - Contributions by governmental employers; rated governmental employers
- Section 151A:14E - Economic development fund
- Section 151A:14F - Unemployment trust fund; report concerning fund average and actual balance
- Section 151A:14G - [Repealed]
- Section 151A:14I - [Repealed]
- Section 151A:14J - [Repealed]
- Section 151A:14J 1/2 - [Repealed]
- Section 151A:14K - Federal Loan Interest Fund
- Section 151A:14L - Work force training contribution paid by employers
- Section 151A:14M - Benefits paid to employees of Indian tribes
- Section 151A:14N - Assignment of contribution rates and transfer of accounts
- Section 151A:14O - Fraud penalty fund
- Section 151A:14P - Definitions
- Section 151A:14Q - Collection of unemployment compensation debt by offset of federal tax refund payments; treasury offset program
- Section 151A:15 - Failure of employer to pay required amounts; recovery of erroneous payments; assessments; enforcement; treasury offset program
- Section 151A:15A - Collection of payments; levy upon depositary accounts; liability of depositaries
- Section 151A:15B - Holder of licenses to sell alcoholic beverages; failure to pay amount owed; suspension of license
- Section 151A:16 - Liens of judgments and overdue contributions; recording and filing of notice; actions to enforce liens
- Section 151A:17 - Priority of claims
- Section 151A:18 - Adjustment, credit or refund of overpayments; adjustment or additional payment for insufficient contributions; interest
- Section 151A:19 - Final payments to foreign corporations or non-residents; necessity of commissioner's certificate
- Section 151A:19A - Application for or renewal of license to conduct profession or business; certification of compliance with contribution laws; renewal or extension of certain contracts; false certifications
- Section 151A:20 - Compromise with employers; commissioner's statement
- Section 151A:20A - Settlement for amount less than owed; conditions; agreements subject to attorney general review; reopening of case
- Section 151A:21 - Deductions from income returnable for taxation
- Section 151A:22 - Payment of benefits in general
- Section 151A:23 - Payment; waiting period
- Section 151A:24 - Eligibility
- Section 151A:24A - Seasonal employment
- Section 151A:25 - Disqualification for benefits
- Section 151A:26 - Benefits under law of another state or United States
- Section 151A:28 - Wages not included for benefits
- Section 151A:28A - Employees of commonwealth, political subdivisions, or religious, charitable, educational, or other tax exempt organizations
- Section 151A:28B - Repayment of overpaid unemployment benefits
- Section 151A:29 - Weekly benefit rates; partial unemployment; dependency benefits for children; retirement benefit recipients
- Section 151A:29B - Child support obligations; disclosure; deductions
- Section 151A:29D - Worksharing program; worksharing plan; benefits
- Section 151A:29E - Notification to claimants; tax liability and withholding
- Section 151A:29F - Unemployment benefits claims; uncollected overissuance of food stamp coupons
- Section 151A:30 - Total benefits for year; industrial or vocational retraining; solvency account charge; trade readjustment allowance
- Section 151A:30A - Extended benefits program
- Section 151A:30B - Additional benefits
- Section 151A:31 - Benefits based upon wages of base period
- Section 151A:35 - Waiver of rights; agreement to pay contributions or payments in lieu of contributions; deduction from wages; enforcement
- Section 151A:36 - Assigning, encumbering or releasing benefits; exemption from claims of creditors; exception
- Section 151A:37 - Fees and representation in proceedings under statute; solicitation for business of representing claimant
- Section 151A:38 - Claims, reports, notices and returns, in general; notice of claimant's failure to report for work
- Section 151A:38A - Determination that employing unit or agent at fault for failing to timely or adequately respond to request for information relating to claim for benefits
- Section 151A:39 - Determination of claim and benefits; procedures; payment of claims or denials; default in payment of contributions
- Section 151A:40 - Application for review
- Section 151A:41 - Review by board; procedures; findings of fact; decision; judicial review
- Section 151A:42 - Judicial review; procedures; appeals; rules
- Section 151A:42A - Representation by attorney general or designated attorney
- Section 151A:42B - Modification or reversal of decision; recovery of payments
- Section 151A:43 - Commissioner, review board, and state advisory council; powers
- Section 151A:44 - Accounts for employers; records for employees; disposition of papers; summaries; reproductions
- Section 151A:45 - Records and reports of employing units; verification
- Section 151A:46 - Confidential information; admissibility as evidence; exceptions to disclosure restrictions
- Section 151A:47 - False statements or misrepresentations; punishment; evidence; restitution
- Section 151A:47A - Utterance or delivery of insufficient funds check with intent to defraud; punishment
- Section 151A:48 - Unemployment compensation fund; establishment; composition; benefits payable from pooled money
- Section 151A:49 - Vested rights
- Section 151A:50 - Treasurer; clearing account; deposit with United States secretary of treasury
- Section 151A:51 - Requisition from trust fund; transfer to commissioner
- Section 151A:52 - Benefit account
- Section 151A:53 - Unclaimed balance in benefit account
- Section 151A:53A - Unemployment Trust Fund; money credited to commonwealth's account; use; records
- Section 151A:54 - Depositaries; insurance charge; commingling funds
- Section 151A:55 - Bond of commissioner; premiums paid from administration account
- Section 151A:56 - Administration of a trust fund upon cessation of unemployment fund or federal separate book account; investments
- Section 151A:57 - Requisitions from state trust fund; investment board; deposits; investments; assistance
- Section 151A:58 - Employment security administration account; establishment
- Section 151A:58A - Contingent fund; establishment
- Section 151A:59 - Liability on state treasurer's bond
- Section 151A:60 - Federal moneys allotted to commonwealth paid into accounts
- Section 151A:61 - Special employment service accounts; agreements relative to employment offices; acceptance of moneys, services or quarters
- Section 151A:62 - State advisory council; powers and duties
- Section 151A:62A - In-person, telephone and walk-in assistance by division for individuals applying for unemployment compensation; initiation of claim
- Section 151A:63 - Publication and free distribution of statutes, reports, regulations and relevant material
- Section 151A:64 - Reports and information for federal, commonwealth and political subdivision agencies; confidential information; federal regulations governing expenditures
- Section 151A:64A - List of employers qualified for exemption under sec. 59:5I; confidentiality
- Section 151A:65 - Availability of records to federal railroad retirement board; co-operation with federal agencies; agreements relative to employment offices; acceptance of moneys, services or quarters
- Section 151A:66 - Reciprocal arrangements with other states and federal government; reimbursements; investigations; exchange of information, services and facilities; benefits based on combined coverages
- Section 151A:66A - Arrangements for utilizing facilities and services of commonwealth and foreign countries
- Section 151A:67 - Estimate of employer's liability for failure to make report or return; collection
- Section 151A:68 - Payment of benefits due deceased or mentally incapacitated persons
- Section 151A:69 - Recovery or deduction of erroneous payments; cancellation; liability of disbursing officer
- Section 151A:69A - Charging off uncollectible amounts
- Section 151A:69B - Set-off against refunds; notice; review
- Section 151A:69C - Reduction of back pay award due to receipt of unemployment benefits; notice to commissioner; reimbursement of unemployment compensation fund
- Section 151A:69D - Definition of final
- Section 151A:70 - Extent of application of rulings
- Section 151A:71 - Reconsideration of determinations; limitations; notice; appeals; reconsideration
- Section 151A:71A - Definitions applicable to secs. 71B-71G
- Section 151A:71B - Closing of facility; report; certification; notice; hearing; appeal
- Section 151A:71C - Partial closings; identification; regulations; eligibility for reemployment assistance benefits
- Section 151A:71D - Reemployment assistance program
- Section 151A:71E - Reemployment assistance fund; health insurance benefits fund
- Section 151A:71F - Eligibility for reemployment assistance benefits
- Section 151A:71G - Eligibility for health insurance benefits
- Section 151A:71H - Plant closing employers; bills for reemployment assistance benefits
- Section 151A:71I - [Repealed]
- Section 151A:72 - Jurisdiction of actions to enforce statute; entry fees
- Section 151A:73 - Partial invalidity
- Section 151A:74 - Title of statute; construction; purpose