- Section 121B:1 - Definitions
- Section 121B:2 - Severability
- Section 121B:3 - Housing authorities; creation; dissolution
- Section 121B:3A - Regional housing authorities; creation; dissolution
- Section 121B:4 - Redevelopment authorities; creation; dissolution
- Section 121B:5 - Membership; appointment; election; term of office
- Section 121B:5A - Election of tenant as member of housing authority; appointment of selectmen of town; waiver
- Section 121B:5B - Training program for members of housing or redevelopment authority; technical assistance training for tenant members
- Section 121B:6 - Charges against members; hearing; removal; resignation; suspension
- Section 121B:7 - Officers and executive director of authorities; compensation of members
- Section 121B:7A - Guidelines for execution of contracts by housing authority and executive director
- Section 121B:8 - Operating agencies; housing authorities
- Section 121B:9 - Urban renewal agencies
- Section 121B:10 - Designation of authorities
- Section 121B:11 - Powers of operating agencies
- Section 121B:12 - Wages; labor requirements; social security
- Section 121B:13 - Contract and tort liability; member's personal liability; relocation of utility facilities
- Section 121B:14 - Federal loans; conveyance upon default
- Section 121B:15 - Bonds, notes, certificates; negotiable instruments
- Section 121B:16 - Exemption from taxation; revaluation or reassessment of real property; payments in lieu of taxes
- Section 121B:17 - Liability of commonwealth or political subdivisions for debts of housing authority
- Section 121B:18 - Preparation of master plans, etc. by city or town; appropriation and payment
- Section 121B:19 - Initial costs and annual operating expenses of operating agencies; appropriations and payment by city
- Section 121B:20 - Development, acquisition and operating costs; relocation payments; losses; appropriation and payment by city
- Section 121B:21 - Indebtedness limitation
- Section 121B:22 - [Repealed]
- Section 121B:23 - Municipal powers
- Section 121B:24 - Agreement to bear acquisition loss
- Section 121B:25 - Statement of emergency
- Section 121B:26 - Powers of a housing authority
- Section 121B:26A - Powers of department in city without housing authority; financing of projects; bonds and notes; issuance and sale; approval of city or town
- Section 121B:26B - Performance-based monitoring programs
- Section 121B:26C - Programs based on best practices to allow authorities to work collaboratively; capital assistance teams
- Section 121B:26D - Posting of contact information of members and senior staff
- Section 121B:27 - Rural housing authority; additional powers
- Section 121B:28 - Application of laws, ordinances, and regulations of cities or towns relating to buildings, planning, zoning and public health
- Section 121B:28A - Annual plan; availability to public
- Section 121B:29 - Accounts and reports of housing authorities; financial records; audit; investigations by department; rules and regulations of department
- Section 121B:30 - Contract with federal government; acquiring federally owned project
- Section 121B:31 - Submission of plans for low-rent housing project to department; application; hearing; disposition
- Section 121B:32 - Maintenance and operation of project; rentals; tenant selection; eligibility for continued occupancy; hearings; waiver
- Section 121B:32A - Parking areas; rules and regulations; towing
- Section 121B:32B - Definitions
- Section 121B:32C - Unlawful conduct by non-member of tenant household; civil action by landlord for injunctive or other equitable relief
- Section 121B:32D - Civil action by tenants requiring landlord to seek injunctive or other equitable relief
- Section 121B:32E - Housing, superior court departments; jurisdiction over equitable actions
- Section 121B:32F - Temporary restraining or injunctive orders; contents; service; term; request for modification or vacation
- Section 121B:32G - Temporary absence from commonwealth; presumption of abandonment
- Section 121B:33 - Equivalent elimination of substandard dwelling units
- Section 121B:34 - State and federal financial assistance; general provisions
- Section 121B:34A - Contracts for state financial assistance on leased MHFA projects to provide replacement or relocation housing; annual contributions; limitations
- Section 121B:34B - Commonwealth guaranteed temporary notes; authorization and execution; sale and refunding limitations; terms
- Section 121B:35 - Contracts for supplementary state financial assistance
- Section 121B:36 - Receipt of loans and grants from federal sources or from other sources
- Section 121B:37 - Commonwealth grants; guarantee of temporary notes; sale, maintenance, and operation of relocation projects; limitations on eminent domain
- Section 121B:38 - Declaration of policy
- Section 121B:38A - Bureau of housing for the handicapped; director; functions
- Section 121B:38B - Service coordinator program
- Section 121B:38C - Program to conduct annual surveys or public housing residents
- Section 121B:38D - Regional public housing innovation program; application for participation; funds; powers
- Section 121B:39 - Power to provide housing for elderly and handicapped persons of low income; placement priorities
- Section 121B:40 - Provisions applicable to housing for elderly and handicapped persons of low income
- Section 121B:41 - State financial assistance; housing for elderly persons of low income
- Section 121B:41A - State financial assistance; housing for handicapped persons of low income
- Section 121B:42 - Declaration of necessity
- Section 121B:43 - Contracts to rent, lease or provide financial assistance to housing units by housing authorities
- Section 121B:43A - Relocation of residents; leased housing units
- Section 121B:44 - Rentals and tenant selection
- Section 121B:44A - Leasing of housing units in MHFA projects for replacement or relocation housing authorized
- Section 121B:45 - Declaration of necessity
- Section 121B:46 - Powers of urban renewal agency
- Section 121B:47 - Acquisition by eminent domain; notice; petition
- Section 121B:48 - Public hearing; notice; urban renewal plans; approval; acquisition of property
- Section 121B:49 - Sale or lease of property acquired for urban renewal project
- Section 121B:50 - Delegation of power to municipality to plan and undertake project
- Section 121B:51 - Redevelopment authority taking over project initiated by housing authority
- Section 121B:52 - Accounts and reports of urban renewal agencies; civil service rules
- Section 121B:53 - Application for urban renewal assistance grant or urban revitalization and development grant
- Section 121B:54 - Determination of compliance and final approved cost; notice
- Section 121B:55 - Certification and payment of grants
- Section 121B:56 - Contract to provide financial assistance
- Section 121B:57 - Advance of funds; amount; payments
- Section 121B:57A - [Repealed]
- Section 121B:58 - Declaration of necessity
- Section 121B:59 - Contracts for state financial assistance; rehabilitation projects
- Section 121B:60 - Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund