(a) As used in this section, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: "Deep sedation", a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which:
(i) the patient cannot be easily awakened but responds purposefully following repeated painful stimulation; (ii) the patient's ability to maintain independent ventilatory function may be impaired; (iii) the patient may require assistance in maintaining a patent airway and spontaneous ventilation may be inadequate; and(iv) the patient's cardiovascular function is usually maintained without assistance."General anesthesia", a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which:
(i) the patient is not able to be awakened, even by painful stimulation; (ii) the patient's ability to maintain independent ventilatory function is often impaired; (iii) the patient, in many cases, often requires assistance in maintaining a patent airway and positive pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed spontaneous ventilation or drug-induced depression of neuromuscular function; and(iv) the patient's cardiovascular function may be impaired. "Minimal sedation", a drug-induced state during which:
(i) patients respond normally to verbal commands; (ii) cognitive function and coordination may be impaired; and (iii) ventilatory and cardiovascular functions are unaffected."Minor procedures", (i) procedures that can be performed safely with a minimum of discomfort where the likelihood of complications requiring hospitalization is minimal; (ii) procedures performed with local or topical anesthesia; or (iii) liposuction with removal of less than 500cc of fat under un-supplemented local anesthesia. "Moderate sedation", a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which:
(i) the patient responds purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimulation; (ii) no interventions are required to maintain a patent airway; (iii) spontaneous ventilation is adequate; and(iv) the patient's cardiovascular function is usually maintained without assistance. "Office-based surgical center", an office, group of offices, a facility or any portion thereof owned, leased or operated by 1 or more practitioners engaged in a solo or group practice, however organized, whether conducted for profit or not for profit, which is advertised, announced, established or maintained for the purpose of providing office-based surgical services; provided, however, that "office-based surgical center" shall not include:
(i) a hospital licensed under section 51 or by the federal government; (ii) an ambulatory surgical center as defined pursuant to section 25B and licensed under said section 51; or (iii) a surgical center performing services in accordance with section 12M of chapter 112."Office-based surgical services", an ambulatory surgical or other invasive procedure requiring:
(ii) moderate sedation; or(iii) deep sedation and any liposuction procedure, excluding minor procedures and procedures requiring minimal sedation, where such surgical or other invasive procedure or liposuction is performed by a practitioner at an office-based surgical center.