Chapter 94A - MILK CONTROL
- Section 94A:1 - Definitions
- Section 94A:2 - Milk control; powers and duties of commissioner
- Section 94A:3 - Enforcement by chief; appeal; hearing; notice
- Section 94A:4 - Licensing of milk dealers; exception; licenses for schools, hospitals and charitable institutions
- Section 94A:5 - Application for license; contents; renewals; display
- Section 94A:6 - Licenses; renewals; suspension; revocation; conditional licenses; hearing; notice
- Section 94A:7 - Hearing; delivery and return of revoked or cancelled license
- Section 94A:8 - Appeal; jurisdiction of superior court
- Section 94A:9 - Annual license fee
- Section 94A:10 - Prices, terms and conditions relative to milk; investigations; hearings; matters considered; minimum prices
- Section 94A:11 - Orders fixing minimum prices to producers and consumers; application of orders; rules and regulations
- Section 94A:12 - Declaration of existence of emergency; petition and order establishing minimum prices; review; notice
- Section 94A:12A - Payment less than minimum price; recovery; assignment of claim
- Section 94A:13 - Entry on premises for inspection; reports; results of inspection; definitions
- Section 94A:14 - Purchase, sale or distribution of milk below price fixed or below cost; rebates
- Section 94A:14A - Bidding procedures; reports; tests
- Section 94A:15 - Sale by co-operative associations; statement of deductions
- Section 94A:16 - Examinations; investigations; general or special hearings; opportunity to appear and be heard; evidence
- Section 94A:17 - Time of notice of hearings, orders, rules and regulations
- Section 94A:18 - Attendance and testimony of witnesses; production of books and records; administration of oaths; subpoenas; excuse from attendance; witness fees
- Section 94A:19 - Publication of notice of hearings, orders, rules and regulations; certification of orders; service of subpoena; service of attested copies
- Section 94A:21 - Review; jurisdiction of superior court; procedures; alternative review
- Section 94A:22 - Penalties; report of violation; investigation; action; injunction
- Section 94A:22A - Construction and enforcement of chapter; acts or omissions of officers or agents acting for principal
- Section 94A:23 - Agreements, licenses, rules, regulations or orders in conflict with federal law
- Section 94A:24 - Uniform milk control; co-operation with United States and other states
- Section 94A:25 - Public interest; intention and purpose of statute
- Section 94A:26 - Partial invalidity
- Section 94A:27 - Short title