Chapter 103 - PILOTS
- Section 103:1 - Pilot districts
- Section 103:1A - Definition
- Section 103:2 - Commissioners and deputy commissioners of pilots; appointment
- Section 103:3 - Powers and duties of commissioners
- Section 103:3A - Eligibility requirements of applicants for pilot candidate
- Section 103:4 - Secretary to commissioners of district one; appointment; duties
- Section 103:5 - Accounts of pilots; payment of pilotage fees to commissioners; compensation of commissioners; reimbursement of members of state pilotage rate board for travel and reasonable expenses
- Section 103:6 - Bonds of pilots
- Section 103:15 - Discharge of surety on bond; notice
- Section 103:16 - New bonds of pilots
- Section 103:17 - Lien of pilots for fees
- Section 103:18 - Liability of pilots
- Section 103:19 - Exhibition of commission
- Section 103:20 - Suspension or removal of pilots exceeding commission authority
- Section 103:21 - Pilots required for certain vessels; pilotage rates; regulations
- Section 103:28 - Exemption of vessels from compulsory pilotage
- Section 103:31 - Rates of pilotage; other charges
- Section 103:31A - Pilotage rate board
- Section 103:33 - Failure of pilot to anchor vessels with alien passengers
- Section 103:34 - Controversies between pilots
- Section 103:35 - Persons acting as pilots; penalty