Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 132B § 3A
A subcommittee of the pesticide board shall be established and shall be charged with the responsibility of registering all pesticides for use in the commonwealth pursuant to section seven. Said subcommittee shall also be responsible for issuing all experimental use permits pursuant to section eight. Said subcommittee shall consist of five members, the director of the division of food and drugs, who shall act as chairman, the commissioner of the department of agricultural resources or his designee, the commissioner of the department of conservation and recreation or his designee, the commissioner of public health or his designee, and one person appointed by the governor, who shall have been actively engaged in commercial application of pesticides for at least the preceding five years who shall be a member of the pesticide board. Any person aggrieved by the decision of said subcommittee may appeal any such decision according to the provisions of section thirteen.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 132B, § 3A