- Section 131:1 - Definitions; rules of construction
- Section 131:1A - Division of fisheries and wildlife; board; members
- Section 131:1B - Removal of board members
- Section 131:1C - Conflicts of interest
- Section 131:1D - Reimbursement
- Section 131:1E - Meetings
- Section 131:1F - Director
- Section 131:1G - Director; powers and duties
- Section 131:1H - Bureau of wildlife research and management
- Section 131:1I - Damage by moose or deer
- Section 131:2 - [Repealed]
- Section 131:2A - Wildland acquisition account
- Section 131:2B - Deposit of inland fisheries and game fund revenues
- Section 131:2C - George L. Darey Inland Fisheries and Game Fund; funding sources; appropriations
- Section 131:3 - Disposition of fines, penalties and forfeitures
- Section 131:4 - Powers of director
- Section 131:5 - Open seasons; rules and regulations
- Section 131:5B - Nongame wildlife program; administration; advisory committee
- Section 131:5C - Lawful taking of fish or wildlife; obstruction or interference
- Section 131:6 - Acquisition of rights, privileges, lands and properties
- Section 131:7 - Wildlife sanctuaries; trusts
- Section 131:8 - Use of wildlife sanctuaries and preserves; rules and regulations
- Section 131:9 - Publication of order establishing wildlife sanctuary; posting
- Section 131:10 - Hunting or trapping within wildlife sanctuary
- Section 131:10A - Nature preserves; designation
- Section 131:10B - Nature preserve council
- Section 131:10C - Release of nature preserve
- Section 131:10D - Consultation; rules and regulations
- Section 131:11 - Licenses; requirements; fees
- Section 131:12 - Licenses; issuance; form; display
- Section 131:13 - Construction of licensing laws; archery or primitive firearm season on deer; migratory waterfowl season; certificates for veterans hospitals and schools for mentally retarded
- Section 131:13A - Wildlands conservation stamps
- Section 131:14 - Hunter education programs; issuance of licenses to minors; target practice; confiscation of firearms
- Section 131:15 - Issuance of special complimentary certificate to officials of other states
- Section 131:16 - Loss or destruction of license; duplicates
- Section 131:17 - Retention of part of license fee by issuing officer or person
- Section 131:17A - Municipal processing fee for sale of licenses
- Section 131:17B - Notice of intent not to sell licenses
- Section 131:18 - License record books; payment of monies by issuing officer to director; surety bonds
- Section 131:19 - License to put fish or spawn into inland waters; permit to import live fish or viable eggs, certification, inspection for disease, and disposition
- Section 131:19A - Permit to import live birds or mammals; rules and regulations; inspection and testing for disease; certification; disposition
- Section 131:19B - Transporting mammals for purpose of euthanasia
- Section 131:19C - Use of elephants, big cats, primates, giraffes and bears in traveling exhibits and shows
- Section 131:20 - Field trials for retriever or bird dogs
- Section 131:21 - Training of hunting dogs; field trials
- Section 131:21A - Hunting practices prohibited; punishment
- Section 131:22 - Sale of fish and game
- Section 131:22A - Disposition of deer; rules and regulations; permits; fees
- Section 131:23 - Propagation, dealing, etc., in fish, birds, mammals, reptiles or amphibians; rules and regulations; licenses; fees
- Section 131:24 - Dealers' licenses; sale for food purposes
- Section 131:25 - Possession of live birds, mammals, reptiles or amphibians; sale; tags; labels; accounts
- Section 131:25A - Quarantine of diseased fish, birds, mammals, etc.; order or notice; procedures; liability for expenses
- Section 131:25B - Destruction and disposal of diseased fish, birds, mammals, etc., under quarantine
- Section 131:25C - Fish, birds, mammals, etc., under quarantine deemed diseased; prohibited acts; penalties
- Section 131:26 - Importation of fish, birds, mammals, reptiles or amphibians; shipments; tags; violations; seizure and disposition
- Section 131:27 - Taxidermists' licenses; permits; accounts; shipments
- Section 131:28 - Fur buyers' licenses; shipments; accounts
- Section 131:29 - Natural history associations and museums, zoos
- Section 131:30 - Permits for netting of carp and suckers
- Section 131:31 - Commercial shooting preserves; permits, conditions
- Section 131:32 - Licenses; expiration; loan or transfer; production for examination; suspension or revocation
- Section 131:33 - Altering, forging, or counterfeiting licenses, permit, etc.
- Section 131:34 - Conviction for violations, licenses
- Section 131:35 - Failure to carry license or wear it in visible manner
- Section 131:36 - Fishing, hunting, or trapping on private, posted land
- Section 131:37 - Killing of game by owner or tenant of land; reports
- Section 131:38 - Farmers; permit to trap and kill birds
- Section 131:39A - Berkshire county; watershed resources; natural scenic qualities
- Section 131:40 - Removal, filling, dredging or altering of land bordering waters
- Section 131:40A - Orders protecting inland wetlands
- Section 131:40B - Farmland advisory committee; meetings; advisory duties
- Section 131:41 - Protection of fisheries from discharge of waste materials into inland waters
- Section 131:42 - Protection of fish in inland waters; pollution; alteration of flows or water levels; application of section; damages
- Section 131:43 - Poisons
- Section 131:44 - Deposit of garbage, etc., on property while hunting, fishing or trapping
- Section 131:45 - Great ponds; public use; rules and regulations
- Section 131:46 - Measurement of ponds
- Section 131:47 - Riparian proprietors; enclosure of waters
- Section 131:48 - Draining of pond, reservoir or other body of water
- Section 131:49 - Ponds on state boundary; fishing
- Section 131:50 - Methods of taking fish; angling, nets and seines, pots, spearing, bow and arrow
- Section 131:51 - Taking of trout in coastal waters
- Section 131:52 - Taking of shiners, etc., for bait
- Section 131:52A - Commercial taking of eels in inland waters; violations; penalties
- Section 131:53 - Fishing with floats; toggle fishing
- Section 131:54 - Fish traps, nets and seines, hooks
- Section 131:55 - Forfeiture of net, seine, or other device; forfeiture of fish
- Section 131:56 - Special statutes relating to fisheries; alewife fisheries
- Section 131:57 - Sundays
- Section 131:58 - Shooting upon or across highway; hunting near dwelling
- Section 131:59 - Reservations, parks, public lands; hunting; state forests
- Section 131:60 - Careless or negligent use of weapons causing injury or death to another; report
- Section 131:61 - Careless or negligent use of weapons causing damage to property or livestock; tort liability
- Section 131:62 - Intoxicating liquor, marihuana, narcotic drugs, depressant or stimulant substances
- Section 131:63 - Loaded shotgun or rifle in motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat
- Section 131:64 - Automatic firearms, machine guns; bows; tracer ammunition
- Section 131:65 - Hunting from motor vehicle, snowmobile, aircraft or watercraft
- Section 131:65A - Online shooting or spearing
- Section 131:66 - Shotgun shells, load
- Section 131:67 - Rifles, revolvers and pistols; caliber
- Section 131:68 - Hunting with artificial light; swivel or pivot gun
- Section 131:69 - Bows and arrows for hunting
- Section 131:70 - Hunting with rifle, revolver or pistol, or by the aid of a dog; primitive firearms
- Section 131:71 - Orange clothing while hunting
- Section 131:72 - Deer tags
- Section 131:73 - Hunting moose
- Section 131:74 - Bird nests and eggs
- Section 131:75 - Wild turkey
- Section 131:75A - Birds of prey
- Section 131:76 - Removal of mammal from hole, or from under ledge, stone or log
- Section 131:77 - Ferrets; possession and use
- Section 131:77A - Wild canid and wild felid hybrids; regulations
- Section 131:78 - Protection of property by owner or tenant; transportation of firearms to or from range
- Section 131:79 - Trap, net or snare; use restricted
- Section 131:80 - Registration and identification of traps
- Section 131:80A - Leghold traps and certain other devices restricted; punishment
- Section 131:81 - Suspension of open seasons because of fire hazard
- Section 131:82 - Dogs chasing, hunting, molesting, attacking or killing deer prohibited
- Section 131:83 - Sparrows and starlings
- Section 131:84 - Pigeons
- Section 131:85 - Transportation of fish, etc., into or out of commonwealth
- Section 131:86 - Property used for scientific experiments or investigations or for propagation
- Section 131:87 - Arrest without warrant; seizures and forfeitures
- Section 131:88 - Display of fish, game, and equipment for inspection
- Section 131:89 - Search warrants; seizures and forfeitures
- Section 131:90 - Penalties
- Section 131:90A - Suspension of license in another state or in Canada
- Section 131:90B - Penalties
- Section 131:91 - Limitation of actions and prosecutions
- Section 131:92 - Severability