Chapter 128 - AGRICULTURE
- Section 128:1 - Definitions
- Section 128:1A - Farming, agriculture, farmer; definitions
- Section 128:2 - Powers and duties of department of agriculture
- Section 128:2A - Horse riding instructors; licenses; fees; validity of license; duplicate licenses; rules and regulations
- Section 128:2B - Riding schools or stables; license; fee; rules and regulations; penalties
- Section 128:2C - Horses participating in contests at agricultural fairs; administering of drugs prohibited; testing, prima facie evidence; eligibility restricted; rules and regulations
- Section 128:2D - Liability of equine professionals and equine activity sponsors
- Section 128:2E - "Pick-your-own" agricultural harvesting and Christmas tree cutting; liability of owners, operators or employees
- Section 128:3 - Collection and circulation of information regarding development of agricultural resources
- Section 128:4 - Trust funds, gifts or bequests
- Section 128:5 - Annual report
- Section 128:6 - Lectures and publications
- Section 128:7 - Posters containing extracts of laws; preparation and distribution
- Section 128:7A - Definitions
- Section 128:7B - Use of public lands; application; indemnification
- Section 128:7C - Priority in allotment of public lands
- Section 128:7D - Bureau contracts for use of public lands
- Section 128:7E - Making land available to bureau
- Section 128:7F - Adoption of rules and regulations
- Section 128:8A - Destruction or control of foxes and rodents; investigations; cooperative arrangements with United States
- Section 128:8B - Supervision of mink ranches; listing; fee; certificate; penalty
- Section 128:9 - Establishment of demonstration sheep farms
- Section 128:10 - Maintenance of flock of sheep on demonstration farm
- Section 128:11 - Compensation from commonwealth
- Section 128:12 - Powers and duties of division of regulatory services
- Section 128:13 - Report of unsanitary condition
- Section 128:13A - Reimbursement following dealer's milk payment default
- Section 128:13B - Dealer payments into Milk Producers Security Fund
- Section 128:14 - Access by department to places or vehicles used in manufacture, storage or sale of dairy products; enforcement of laws; hindrance of officer
- Section 128:15 - Duties of employees of department
- Section 128:16 - Abatement of plant diseases; entry upon public or private grounds; contracts
- Section 128:17 - Inspection of nurseries; certificate; suppression of pests
- Section 128:18 - Licensing of nursery agents; application; revocation
- Section 128:19 - Sale of nursery stock; grower's certificate
- Section 128:20 - Importation of nursery stock; certificate of inspection
- Section 128:20A - Spread or growth of plants of water chestnut
- Section 128:21 - Inspection of nursery stock, fruits and plants at points of destination; destruction; notice to director
- Section 128:23 - Compensation for destruction of cultivated berry-bearing shrubbery; notice; investigation; arbitration; award; certification
- Section 128:24 - Inspection of orchards, etc. for noxious weeds, insect pests or plant diseases; notice to landowners, et al.; abatement; cost of treatment
- Section 128:25 - Appeal from proposed action
- Section 128:26 - Proceedings after appeal; notice
- Section 128:27 - Powers of director
- Section 128:28 - Exemption of gypsy and brown tail moths
- Section 128:29 - Violations
- Section 128:30 - Prosecutions
- Section 128:31 - European corn borer infestation; hearing; order; publication
- Section 128:31A - Disposition of corn stubble; destruction; postponement
- Section 128:32 - Inspector of apiaries; duties; staff; preparation and distribution of literature on bee culture; inspections; suppression of bee diseases
- Section 128:33 - Maintenance of colony of honey bees in hives in which brood combs are fastened to container; diseased bees
- Section 128:34 - Instructions as to treatment of diseased and miskept colonies; destruction
- Section 128:35 - Transportation of bees and bee equipment; certificate; inspection; fees
- Section 128:36 - Access by inspector to places where bees, bee supplies, appliances or equipment are kept; inspection cards
- Section 128:36A - Records; reports
- Section 128:36B - Labeling and sale of honey; restrictions
- Section 128:36C - Maple syrup and maple syrup food products; labelling
- Section 128:38 - Penalties
- Section 128:38A - Establishment and holding of fairs
- Section 128:38B - Massachusetts State Exposition Building Maintenance Fund
- Section 128:38C - Agricultural fairs; facilities and land resources; preservation and rehabilitation
- Section 128:40 - Trustees for county cooperative extension service; accounts; director of accounts; annual report
- Section 128:41 - Selection of directors; terms
- Section 128:42 - Receipt of grants; expenditure of money; power of trustees
- Section 128:43 - Instructors in agriculture, homemaking and country life
- Section 128:44 - Preparation of annual budget
- Section 128:44A - Suffolk county annual budget and report; tax assessment
- Section 128:45 - Acquisition of land by towns for demonstration work in agriculture and homemaking
- Section 128:46 - Assignment of police to preserve peace at exhibition of agricultural or horticultural societies
- Section 128:47 - Receipt of department reports by farmers' clubs; annual returns; reports
- Section 128:48 - Regulations for preservation of peace at meetings or exhibitions; posting
- Section 128:49 - Vending of goods, provisions or refreshments near cattle show or exhibition; gaming
- Section 128:50 - Penalty
- Section 128:51 - Definitions applicable to secs. 52 to 63
- Section 128:52 - Feed; registration; application; approval; refusal; expiration; guarantee changes; cancellation; hearing; fee
- Section 128:53 - Labels affixed to containers or accompanying delivery in bulk; form and content
- Section 128:54 - Adulterated feed defined
- Section 128:55 - Restrictions on distribution of feed
- Section 128:56 - Prohibited acts or omissions
- Section 128:57 - Enforcement of secs. 52 to 60; prosecution of violations; hearing; notice
- Section 128:58 - Inspection; warrant; obtaining of official samples for analysis and forwarding of results
- Section 128:59 - Methods for collection and delivery of samples for analysis
- Section 128:60 - Withdrawal order; release; condemnation proceedings; seizure; disposition
- Section 128:61 - Penalties; certified copy of official analysis as prima facie evidence
- Section 128:62 - Publication of pertinent information and data; results of analysis; confidential status
- Section 128:63 - Rules and regulations
- Section 128:64 - Definitions applicable to Secs. 128:65 to 128:83
- Section 128:65 - Guarantees for plant nutrients, etc.; inspection and analysis
- Section 128:65A - Limitation on purchase and application of phosphorus containing fertilizer; regulations for limitation of non-point source pollution from plant nutrients
- Section 128:66 - Fertilizers; licenses to distribute; registration of specialty fertilizers; applications; labels; fees
- Section 128:67 - Labels; contents
- Section 128:68 - Registration and inspection fees
- Section 128:69 - Statement of tonnage sold; inspection fee; filing; permit to examine books
- Section 128:70 - Analysis of fertilizers; inspection and taking of samples; publication of results
- Section 128:71 - Analysis deficiencies; penalty
- Section 128:72 - Weight deficiencies; penalty
- Section 128:73 - Determination and publication of values per unit of certain constituents in fertilizers
- Section 128:74 - False or misleading labeling; deleterious or harmful ingredients
- Section 128:75 - Rules and regulations; effectiveness; violations; prosecution, restriction
- Section 128:76 - Refusal or cancellation of certificate; deception as to constituents or properties of fertilizer
- Section 128:77 - Analysis of samples
- Section 128:78 - Nonconforming products; violations; withholding from sale; release; condemnation; seizure; disposal
- Section 128:79 - Violations; penalties; official analysis as prima facie evidence
- Section 128:80 - Publication of information
- Section 128:81 - Minor violations; reporting
- Section 128:82 - Rules and regulations
- Section 128:83 - Transactions exempted
- Section 128:84 - Definitions
- Section 128:85 - Sale of seeds; labeling or tagging containers; required information
- Section 128:86 - Sale of seeds; labeling or tagging containers; variety or cultivar designation
- Section 128:87 - Vegetable seeds; labeling or tagging containers; required information
- Section 128:88 - Flower seeds; labeling containers; required information
- Section 128:89 - Tree and shrub seeds; labeling containers; required information
- Section 128:90 - Sale of seeds; percentage of germination; labeling; false advertisements; noxious weed seeds
- Section 128:91 - Defacing or destroying labels; false advertising; prohibited sales
- Section 128:92 - Application of secs. 85 to 91
- Section 128:93 - Exemption from penalty of sec. 100; limitations
- Section 128:94 - Enforcement; prosecutions
- Section 128:95 - Access for inspection; taking samples for tests and analyses; cooperation with United States department of agriculture; withholding seeds from sale
- Section 128:96 - Seizure and condemnation; court proceedings
- Section 128:97 - Tests and analyses; reports; publication of results
- Section 128:98 - Seed germination standards; enforcement
- Section 128:99 - Purity and germination tests; fees; disposition
- Section 128:100 - Penalty
- Section 128:101 - Sale of seed potatoes restricted; waiver; penalty
- Section 128:102 - Purpose and policy
- Section 128:103 - Definitions
- Section 128:104 - Marketing agreements; approval
- Section 128:105 - Marketing orders; issuance; notice and hearing; amendment or termination of orders
- Section 128:106 - Budgets for marketing orders or agreements; cooperation with other states and federal government
- Section 128:107 - Collection of assessments
- Section 128:108 - Marketing agreements or orders; provisions
- Section 128:109 - Temporary suspension of marketing orders or agreements; notice and hearing
- Section 128:110 - Economic factors
- Section 128:111 - Effect of marketing agreements or marketing orders; execution or issuance of one without other; concurrent hearings
- Section 128:112 - Issuance, amendment or termination of marketing orders; deposit to defray expenses; reimbursement
- Section 128:113 - Assessments held in trust; disbursements; refunds; reports
- Section 128:114 - Advisory board established with marketing order; membership; expenses; duties
- Section 128:115 - Rules and regulations; promulgation; actions to enforce compliance; injunctions; costs
- Section 128:116 - Definitions for secs. 117 to 123
- Section 128:117 - Planting, growing, harvesting, possessing, processing, etc., industrial hemp
- Section 128:118 - Planting, growing, harvesting, possessing, etc., industrial hemp without license
- Section 128:119 - Granting of annual license
- Section 128:120 - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license to due violations
- Section 128:121 - Rules and regulations
- Section 128:122 - Inspection and access to equipment, supplies, records, etc.
- Section 128:123 - Civil administrative fines
- Section 128:124 - Enforcement of federal standards in commonwealth