Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 90 § 32E 1/2
"Authorized Driver", a renter who drives a private passenger automobile rented under the terms of a rental agreement or any person expressly listed by the rental company on the rental agreement as an authorized driver.
"Collision Damage Waiver", any contract or contractual provision whether separate from or a part of a rental agreement, whereby the rental company agrees, for a charge, to waive any or all claims against the renter for damages to or loss of the rented private passenger automobile during the term of the rental agreement.
"Private Passenger Automobile", a motor vehicle of the private passenger or station wagon type, including a passenger van or mini van, which is designed primarily for the transport of persons.
"Rental Agreement", any written agreement setting forth the terms and conditions governing the use of a private passenger automobile provided by a rental company for thirty continuous days or less.
"Rental Company", any person or organization in the business of providing private passenger automobiles for rent to the public from locations in the state.
"Vehicle license cost recovery fee", a charge to recover costs incurred by a rental company to license, title, register, plate, inspect or pay excise tax on its rental fleet in the commonwealth which shall be separately stated and assessed on a rental agreement in a private passenger motor vehicle rental transaction originated in the commonwealth.
"NOTICE: This contract offers, for an additional charge, a Collision Damage Waiver to cover your financial responsibility for damage to the rental vehicle. Your personal automobile insurance may already cover you for damage to a rental car. The purchase of a Collision Damage Waiver is optional and may be declined. For Massachusetts drivers: If you have an automobile policy on your personal vehicle with coverage for collision, your policy will cover collision damage to a rental vehicle, less the deductible on your policy. Drivers who hold policies in other states should check with their insurance agents to determine whether their policies extend to rental vehicles."
"NOTICE: This contract offers, for an additional charge, a Collision Damage Waiver to cover your financial responsibility for damage to the rental vehicle. Your personal automobile insurance may already cover you for damage to a rental car. The purchase of a Collision Damage Waiver is optional and may be declined. For Massachusetts residents: If you have an automobile policy on your personal vehicle with coverage for collision, your policy will cover collision damage to the rental vehicle, less the deductible on your policy. If you have comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, your policy will cover loss on the rental vehicle caused by fire, theft or vandalism, less the deductible on your policy. Drivers who hold policies in other states should check with their insurance agents to determine whether their policies extend to rental vehicles."
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 90, § 32E 1/2