Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 74 § 26
There shall be a board of trustees for each of the schools enumerated in section twenty-five. The boards of trustees for the Bristol county agricultural school and the Norfolk county agricultural school shall each consist of the county commissioners, ex officiis, and four residents of the county, appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, for four years. The term of one appointive trustee in each county shall expire each year.
The board of trustees for the Essex agricultural and technical institute shall consist of seven trustees, who shall be residents of Essex county, appointed by the governor for a term of four years, of which not more than two or fewer than one term shall expire each year. The administrator of the Essex agricultural and technical institute may submit a list of potential candidates for selection to said board prior to appointment by the governor. Said institute shall be under the general supervision of the department of education and said board shall develop said institute's curriculum in consultation with teachers of said institute. The trustees shall appoint a treasurer who shall receive and take charge of all monies due to said institute, and who shall give a bond for the faithful performance of his duties in accordance with the provisions of section 35 of chapter 41. The fiscal year of said institute shall be the same as the fiscal year of cities and towns.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 74, § 26