Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 51 § 36
The state secretary shall prepare in sufficient quantity blank forms for affidavits of voter registration and shall supply those forms to all registration agencies. The forms shall include the contents required by federal law, including section 6 of the National Voter Registration Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. section 1973gg-4, and section 303(b)(4)(A) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002, 42 U.S.C. section 15483(b)(4)(A). Such form shall be designed to provide the registrant with a copy thereof at the time of registration at a registration agency.
The state secretary shall provide English and Spanish affidavits of voter registration to all registration agencies. Said secretary shall provide forms in such additional languages as he deems necessary or as required by law.
The state secretary shall provide nongovernmental and private entities with sufficient quantities of such affidavit forms free of charge. Said secretary shall make such forms widely available for distribution through governmental, nongovernmental and private entities, with particular emphasis on making them available for organized voter registration programs.
A completed affidavit of voter registration shall be mailed, transmitted or otherwise delivered forthwith, within five calendar days, to the board of registrars of the city or town wherein which registrant resides.
All expenses incurred in the mailing of affidavits by registration agencies, except by the offices of city or town clerks or by individual registrants, shall be paid by the state secretary, subject to appropriation.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 51, § 36