Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 40T § 4

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 40T:4 - Execution of third party purchase contract
(a) Upon the expiration of the 90 day offer period in subsection (c) of section 3, but not later than 2 years after the date notice was provided to the department in subsection (c) of said section 2, the owner may execute a purchase contract with a third party to sell the publicly-assisted housing pursuant to this section. Thereafter, the owner again shall be subject to the notice provision of said subsection (c) of said section 2.
(b) Upon execution of a third party purchase contract, the owner shall, within 7 days, submit a copy of the contract to the department and CEDAC, along with a proposed purchase contract for execution by the department. If the department elects to purchase the publicly-assisted housing, the department shall, within 30 days after receipt of the third party purchase contract and the proposed purchase contract, execute the proposed purchase contract or such other agreement as is acceptable to the owner and the department. The time periods set forth in this subsection may be extended by agreement between the owner and the department. The proposed purchase contract shall contain the same terms and conditions as the executed third party purchase contract, except that the proposed purchase contract shall provide at least the following terms: (i) the earnest money deposit shall not exceed the lesser of: (1) the deposit in the third party purchase contract; (2) 2 per cent of the sale price; or (3) $250,000; provided, however, that the owner and the department may agree to modify the terms of the earnest money deposit; and provided further, that the earnest money deposit shall be held under commercially-reasonable terms by an escrow agent selected jointly by the owner and the department; (ii) the earnest money deposit shall be refundable for not less than 90 days from the date of execution of the purchase contract or such greater period as provided for in the third party purchase contract; provided, however, that if the owner unreasonably delays the buyer's ability to conduct due diligence during the 90 day period, the earnest money deposit shall continue to be refundable for a period greater than 90 days; and (iii) the time for performance shall be not less than 240 days from the date of the execution of the purchase contract, or such greater period as provided for in the third party purchase contract.
(c) If the department fails to execute the proposed purchase contract within 30 days or such other period as provided in subsection (b), the owner shall have 2 years from the last day on which the department was entitled to execute the proposed purchase contract in which to complete a sale of the owner's publicly-assisted housing to a third party, except as provided in subsection (e). Upon the expiration of the 2-year period, the owner shall be subject again to subsection (c) of section 2, section 3 and this section.
(d) If the department executes the proposed purchase contract as provided in subsection (b) but fails to perform as provided in the executed purchase contract, then the owner shall have 2 years from the date on which the executed purchase contract terminated in which to complete a sale of the owner's publicly-assisted housing to a third party. Upon the expiration of the 2-year period, the owner shall be subject again to all of subsection (c) of section 2, section 3 and this section.
(e) After receipt of the third party purchase contract provided for in subsection (b), the department may, within the 30-day time period prescribed in said subsection (b), make a counteroffer by executing and submitting to the owner an amended proposed purchase contract. Failure by the department to execute the purchase contract or submit a counteroffer within the 30-day period referenced in subsection (b) shall constitute a waiver of the department's right to purchase under this section. If the department submits a counteroffer, the owner shall have 30 days from the date it receives the amended proposed purchase contract to execute the amended proposed purchase contract or reject, in writing, the counteroffer. If the owner rejects the counteroffer, the owner shall have 2 years from the date on which the owner rejects the department's counteroffer to complete a sale of the publicly-assisted housing to a third party; provided, however, that if such sale is upon economic terms and conditions that are the same as or materially more favorable to the proposed purchaser than the economic terms and conditions in the proposed purchase contract offered by the department in its counteroffer, the owner shall provide a copy of the new third party purchase contract, along with a proposed purchase contract for execution by the department which shall contain the same terms and conditions as the executed third party purchase contract; provided that the department shall have 30 days from the date it receives the third party purchase contract and the proposed purchase contract to execute the proposed purchase contract or such other agreement as is acceptable to the owner and the department.
(f) The owner shall, not later than 7 days after the execution of a purchase contract with a third party, provide the department with a copy of any new or amended purchase contract executed with respect to the property during the 2 year period set forth in subsections (c) to (e), inclusive, and shall not later than 7 days after the recording or filing of the deed or other document with the registry of deeds or the registry district of the land court of the county in which the affected real property is located, provide the department with a copy of any such deed or other document transferring the owner's interest in the publicly-assisted housing.
(g) Any third party purchase contract, amended third party purchase contract, deed or any other document transferring the owner's interest in publicly-assisted housing shall include a certification by the owner that the document is accurate and complete and there are no other agreements between the owner and the third party buyer, or an affiliate of either, with respect to the sale of the publicly-assisted housing.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 40T, § 4

Added by Acts 2009, c. 159,§ 1, eff. 11/23/2009.