Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 60 § 3D

Current through Chapter 373 of the 2024 Legislative Session, with the exception of Acts not available as of 1/14/2025
Section 60:3D - Aid to elderly and disabled taxation fund; donations; taxation aid committee

A city or town which accepts the provisions of this section is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the commissioner, to design and designate a place on its municipal tax bills, or the motor vehicle excise tax bills, or to mail with such tax bills a separate form, whereby the taxpayers of said city or town may voluntarily check off, donate and pledge an amount not less than $1 or such other designated amount which shall increase the amount otherwise due, and to establish a city or town aid to the elderly and disabled taxation fund for the purpose of defraying the real estate taxes of elderly and disabled persons of low income.

Any amounts donated to said fund shall be deposited into a special account in the general treasury and shall be in the "custody of the treasurer. The treasurer shall invest said funds at the direction of the officer, board, commission, committee or other agency of the city or town who or which is otherwise authorized and required to invest trust funds of the city or town and subject to the same limitations applicable to trust fund investments, except as otherwise specified herein. The fund, together with the interest earned thereon shall be used for the purpose specified in this section without further appropriation.

In any city or town establishing an aid to the elderly and disabled taxation fund, there shall be a taxation aid committee to consist of the chairman of the board of assessors, the city or town treasurer and three residents of the city or town to be appointed by the mayor or board of selectmen as the case may be. Said board shall adopt rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this section and to identify the recipients of such aid.

Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 60, § 3D