The commission shall not be required to obtain the approval of any other officer or employee of any executive agency in connection with the collection or analysis of any information; nor shall the commission be required, prior to publication, to obtain the approval of any other officer or employee of any executive agency with respect to the substance of any reports which the commission has prepared under this chapter.
The executive director shall not be required to obtain the approval of any other executive agency in connection with appointment of employees. Sections 9A, 45, 46 and 46C of chapter 30, chapter 31 and chapter 150E shall not apply to the executive director of the commission. Sections 45, 46 and 46C of chapter 30 shall not apply to any employee of the commission. The executive director may establish personnel regulations for the officers and employees of the commission.
The executive director shall file an annual personnel report not later than the first Wednesday in February with the senate and house committees on ways and means containing the job classifications, duties and salary of each officer and employee within the center together with personnel regulations applicable to said officers and employees. The executive director shall file amendments to such report with the senate and house committees on ways and means whenever any changes become effective.
The executive director shall, with the approval of the board:
The board may approve the use of funds from the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund to support the annual budget of the commission, in addition to funds from any other sourceand any funds appropriated therefor by the general court. The commission shall not be required to obtain the approval of any other executive agency in connection with the development and administration of its annual budget.
The commission shall adopt and amend rules and regulations, underh chapter 30A, for the administration of its duties and powers and to effectuate this chapter.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 6D, § 6D:2