The center shall ensure the timely reporting of information required under sections 8 to 10A, inclusive. The center shall notify entities required to submit data under this chapter of any applicable reporting deadlines. The center shall notify, in writing, an entity required to submit data under this chapter that has failed to meet a reporting deadline and shall notify such entity that failure to respond within 2 weeks of the receipt of the notice may result in penalties. The center may assess a penalty against an entity required to submit data under this chapter that fails, without just cause, to provide the requested information within 2 weeks following receipt of the written notice required under this paragraph, of not more than $25,000 per week for each week of delay after the 2-week period following the reporting entity's receipt of the written notice. Amounts collected under this section shall be deposited in the Healthcare Payment Reform Fund established in section 100 of chapter 194 of the acts of 2011. The center shall notify the commission and the department of public health if a provider or provider organization fails to timely report in accordance with this section or if the center has assessed a penalty under this section. Such notification shall be considered by the commission in a cost and market impact review under section 13 of chapter 6D, and by the department in determining licensure and suitability in accordance with section 51 of chapter 111 and for a determination of need under section 25C of chapter 111.
Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 12C, § 12C:11