- Section 626.951 - Declaration of purpose
- Section 626.9511 - Definitions
- Section 626.9521 - Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices prohibited; penalties
- Section 626.9531 - Identification of insurers, agents, and insurance contracts
- Section 626.9541 - Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined
- Section 626.9543 - Holocaust victims
- Section 626.9545 - Improper charge identification incentive program
- Section 626.9551 - Favored agent or insurer; coercion of debtors
- Section 626.9561 - Power of department and office
- Section 626.9571 - Defined practices; hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process
- Section 626.9581 - Cease and desist and penalty orders
- Section 626.9591 - Appeals from the department or office
- Section 626.9601 - Penalty for violation of cease and desist orders
- Section 626.9611 - Rules
- Section 626.9621 - Provisions of part additional to existing law
- Section 626.9631 - Civil liability
- Section 626.9641 - Policyholders, bill of rights
- Section 626.9651 - Privacy
- Section 626.9701 - Rate increases and premium surcharges; consideration of certain noncriminal violations for excessive speed prohibited
- Section 626.9702 - Illegal dealings in premiums; excess charges for insurance
- Section 626.9705 - Life or disability insurance; illegal dealings
- Section 626.9706 - Life insurance; discrimination on basis of sickle-cell trait prohibited
- Section 626.9707 - Disability insurance; discrimination on basis of sickle-cell trait prohibited
- Section 626.97075 - Life insurance, disability insurance, and long-term care insurance; discrimination against living organ donors prohibited
- Section 626.973 - Fictitious groups
- Section 626.9741 - Use of credit reports and credit scores by insurers
- Section 626.9743 - Claim settlement practices relating to motor vehicle insurance
- Section 626.9744 - Claim settlement practices relating to property insurance
- Section 626.9885 - Financial institutions conducting insurance transactions
- Section 626.989 - Investigation by department or Division of Investigative and Forensic Services; compliance; immunity; confidential information; reports to division; division investigator's power of arrest
- Section 626.9891 - Insurer anti-fraud investigative units; reporting requirements; penalties for noncompliance
- Section 626.9892 - Anti-Fraud Reward Program; reporting of insurance fraud
- Section 626.9893 - Disposition of revenues; criminal or forfeiture proceedings
- Section 626.9894 - Gifts and grants
- Section 626.9896 - Dedicated insurance fraud prosecutors
- Section 626.99 - Life insurance solicitation