- Section 380.012 - Short title
- Section 380.021 - Purpose
- Section 380.031 - Definitions
- Section 380.032 - State land planning agency; powers and duties
- Section 380.04 - Definition of development
- Section 380.045 - Resource planning and management committees; objectives; procedures
- Section 380.05 - Areas of critical state concern
- Section 380.051 - Coordinated agency review; Florida Keys area
- Section 380.055 - Big Cypress Area
- Section 380.0551 - Green Swamp Area; designation as area of critical state concern
- Section 380.0552 - Florida Keys Area; protection and designation as area of critical state concern
- Section 380.0553 - Brevard Barrier Island Area; protection and designation as area of critical state concern
- Section 380.0555 - Apalachicola Bay Area; protection and designation as area of critical state concern
- Section 380.06 - Developments of regional impact
- Section 380.061 - The Florida Quality Developments program
- Section 380.0651 - Statewide guidelines, standards, and exemptions
- Section 380.0655 - Expedited permitting process for marina projects reserving 10 percent or more boat slips for public use
- Section 380.0657 - Expedited permitting process for economic development projects
- Section 380.0661 - Legislative intent
- Section 380.0662 - Definitions
- Section 380.0663 - Land authority; creation, membership, expenses
- Section 380.0664 - Quorum; voting; meetings
- Section 380.0665 - Executive director; agents and employees
- Section 380.0666 - Powers of land authority
- Section 380.0667 - Advisory committee; acquisitions
- Section 380.0668 - Bonds; purpose, terms, approval, limitations
- Section 380.0669 - State and local government liability on bonds
- Section 380.0671 - Annual report
- Section 380.0672 - Conflicts of interest
- Section 380.0673 - Exemption from taxes and eligibility as investment
- Section 380.0674 - Corporate existence
- Section 380.0675 - Inconsistent provisions of other laws superseded
- Section 380.0685 - State park in area of critical state concern in county which creates land authority; surcharge on admission and overnight occupancy
- Section 380.07 - Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission
- Section 380.08 - Protection of landowners' rights
- Section 380.085 - Judicial review relating to permits and licenses
- Section 380.093 - Resilient Florida Grant Program; comprehensive statewide flood vulnerability and sea level rise data set and assessment; Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan; regional resilience entities
- Section 380.0933 - Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation
- Section 380.0935 - Resilient Florida Trust Fund
- Section 380.0937 - Public financing of construction projects within areas at risk due to sea level rise
- Section 380.095 - Dedicated funding for conservation lands, resiliency, and clean water infrastructure
- Section 380.11 - Enforcement; procedures; remedies
- Section 380.115 - Vested rights and duties; changes in statewide guidelines and standards
- Section 380.12 - Rights unaffected by ch. 75-22