For individuals who are at least 18 years but not yet 22 years of age and who are eligible under sub-subparagraph 1.b., the agency must provide waiver services, including residential habilitation, and the community-based care lead agency must fund room and board at the rate established in s. 409.145(3) and provide case management and related services as defined in s. 409.986(3)(e). Individuals may receive both waiver services and services under s. 39.6251. Services may not duplicate services available through the Medicaid state plan.
Within preenrollment categories 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, the agency shall prioritize clients in the order of the date that the client is determined eligible for waiver services.
Each program and service has its own eligibility requirements. By providing the information specified in section 393.065(11)(a), Florida Statutes, the agency does not guarantee an applicant's eligibility for or enrollment in any program or service.
Fla. Stat. § 393.065