Section 265.009 - Florida Space Exploration Monument(1) It is the intent of the Legislature to recognize the importance of the role of this state, and its past, current, and future contributions, in space exploration; to honor this state's residents for their role in humanity's most daring journey of space exploration; and to honor the contribution of all individuals and their families who have gone unrecognized for their impact on the United States' achievements in space.(2) There is established the Florida Space Exploration Monument. (a) The monument is administered by the Department of Management Services.(b) The department, in consultation with Space Florida, shall establish a contest for individuals who wish to submit a design for the monument. The department and Space Florida shall appoint a selection committee to choose the design of the monument.(c) The department shall develop a plan for the design, placement, and cost of the monument. The plan must include the designation of an appropriate public area for the monument on the premises of the Capitol Complex as defined in s. 281.01, not including the State Capital Circle Office Complex. The department shall consider the recommendations of the Florida Historical Commission as required pursuant to ss. 265.111 and 267.0612(9) and shall coordinate with the Division of Historical Resources of the Department of State in developing the plan. The plan must also include the dates for the design contest and the timeframe for the selection committee to review and select a design. The department shall submit the plan to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by July 1, 2024.Added by 2023 Fla. Laws, ch. 275,s 1, eff. 7/1/2023.