the court must stay the case for a presuit investigation period pursuant to this section, and the statute of limitations and statute of repose must be tolled from the time service was properly made at the prospective defendant's address as listed on the state licensing agency website or an address on file with the Secretary of State. The tolling shall end at the conclusion of the presuit investigation period provided for in this subsection, and the stay of litigation shall automatically end at the conclusion of the presuit investigation period.
Each insurer or self-insurer shall investigate the claim in good faith, and both the claimant and prospective defendant shall cooperate with the insurer in good faith. If the insurer requires, a claimant must appear before a pretrial screening panel or before a medical review committee and shall submit to a physical examination, if required. Unreasonable failure of any party to comply with this section justifies dismissal of claims or defenses. There shall be no civil liability for participation in a pretrial screening procedure if done without intentional fraud.
Fla. Stat. § 766.106
Former s. 768.57.